Monday 31 January 2022

Hobby Spending - January 2022.


So an idea that I've looted from Confessions of a 40k Addict is to keep track of how much money I'm spending on the hobby in general.

This idea came about from talking with the Mrs about our respective hobbies. I always joke to her about crafting materials she buys and the amount of books she keeps buying (I think she's got over 2,000 in her collection which she's read, my bookshelf is nothing compared).
She said that I always seem to be getting parcels delivered from eBay, and I countered with the same about books from her Facebook Book Groups (some friendly banter, not an argument before anyone gets the wrong idea).

Also this is a good idea as having changed careers and now earning almost double what I did before, it is tempting to "splash out" constantly, even though we're meant to be saving money for house remodelling!

So I'm going to do an end of month post totalling up that month's spending and what it was spent on.
Now unless there is something of a really good deal, I am aiming for a budget of about £50 a month as I mainly need supplies rather then miniatures.

Also if I sell any excess gear I have, that money will go into the hobby fund as it's cash which has already been spent on the hobby and is being reinvested, this is what I am telling the Mrs, so...yeah!

At the end of the year I'll do a full total and see how much I actually spent throughout 2022 on the hobby.

January spend totals:
Pot of Earthshade - £4.55
Self-Adhesive Beads X2 - £3
Pack of XPS foam sheets - £2
Pack of Corrugated Card - £1.50
Metal Ork Deffdread X2 - £23.

Total for January - £34.05.
Budget for January - £50.
Plus/Minus budget - Minus £15.95.

So this month was mainly supplies, a lot of crafting materials for making armour panels and rivets with. 
Earthshade is ALWAYS needed and the Deffdreads are something I've always been looking for on eBay to match my Killa Kanz, but they always seem to be ridiculously priced. 
I dropped onto a series of auctions and the guy was more then willing to sell both at once.
They might need a little work, but that's part of the deal when buying second hand miniatures.

Until next time...

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