Saturday 1 January 2022

Hobby Bingo - December Recap...the Finale. Also a look towards 2022 projects.

 So we've reached the first day of 2022...not only has the second year of the covid plague passed, but also the end of the year of our Hobby Bingo challenge against each other.

Dave pulled a couple of last minute boxes out during December, Chris meanwhile has been lost in the warp ever since his house move,
I managed to crank out a few more finished units, but couldn't find the motivation or time to claim that last elusive Terrain box on the first grid.

The final scores for 2021 Hobby Bingo are as follows:

Chris - 1250 *
Lewis - 1140
Dave - 550 *

I don't know what Chris and Dave thought of it (maybe they'll add a comment on here afterwards) but personally it's been a good challenge and I've painted more miniatures in a single year then I ever have before, my finished total was 217 miniatures.
In spite of that though, I feel that I haven't actually accomplished much through the year as I've been jumping through units to fill boxes on the grid. So we've had Imperial Guard, Chaos, Trollbloods, Fantasy, Warmachine, 40k...a real mix of stuff and no completed forces to actually play a game.

For 2022 I'm deciding to make a project list and work through things, at least to a minimum level.

  • JanuWaaaghry - Orks for a 3rd Edition 40k reader participation campaign**, this also features my Catachans who will need bringing up to a playable level and my Deathwatch whom will be using the Primaris models (for true-scale marines) but firstborn rules with some additions. (I also have a couple of part painted squads which I very nearly but didn't quite get finished during December, so they'll appear in due course through JanuWaaaghry as well).
  • Project EoT - This is another 3rd Edition campaign I want to run, based off of the original (and infinitely cooler campaign) with the Chaos forces assaulting the Imperium. I've started on some Black Legion and Cadians, my Catachans and other Space Marines will also be used, this is definitely a long-burn project. This will be another reader participation campaign** much as the Orky campaign above.
  • Terrain - I have the MDF city I bought NEARLY TWO YEARS AGO mostly built but gathering dust, that needs finishing!
  • Horus Heresy - Fraser gave me a lot of Mk.IV marines back in the summer and I made a start on building up a Sons of Horus force whilst I was training during October. Things have slowed down somewhat, but I want to continue with the force, if only to game against Fraser when we visit. 
  • Nighthaunt - I still have a ton of Nighthaunt on sprues and did start out planning a sort of civil-war campaign between different factions of ghosts. 
  • Samurai - again I have a ton of Samurai era miniatures still on sprues and had plans for a massive Total-War style map campaign, but have taken a realistic look at what I was trying to achieve and toned it back. First step is getting a bunch of Ashigaru foot soldiers painted to field two forces.
Overall I don't think that there is too much on that list, in the scheme of things, the Nighthaunt and Samurai are the lowest priority, EoT forces will take the longest (simply from what is required), and I'm going to work on JanuWaaaghry and the City first as these will be useful to starting the campaign I have in mind.

I'm not going to set a total number of miniatures I want to paint over the year, just keep adding them up like this year and seeing if I can beat my total.

And much like Meatloaf below, the aim is to paint more then I buy, as we can't paint everything before buying new:

Until next time...


* I implore you to head over to their respective blogs and take a look around, leave a comment and such. Everyone likes hearing nice words about their work, even constructive criticism if appropriate 😉.

** What I have in mind as a "Reader Participation Campaign" is that the battles will be fought solo using a set of solo-AI rules I downloaded from the solo wargaming group on Facebook.
For the Orky campaign, each battle will be from the PoV of a force chosen by readers of the blog. The results of the battle will determine several next steps and the readers will choose what happens and who they want the PoV from.
For the EoT campaign, I'm thinking of asking for volunteers to control a warband/company on the campaign map and play it using the rules published in White Dwarf for refighting the campaign amongst a small group, rather then the worldwide version of the original. This is very much being spitballed at the moment as I work things out.

1 comment:

  1. A good year for you then mate!

    I did enjoy the hobby bingo, though I think it was a bit incidental for me. I never really worried about painting something for a specific box but it was nice to complete a box when stuff matched up.

    I like your hobby goals and shall be keeping an eye on your blog. A happy new year to you!
