Saturday 1 January 2022



Dawn broke, the sun struggling to claw it's way through the clouds of pollutant thrown up by the armoured vehicles angrily revving their engines. 
Warboss Gorgrok looked around, glaring red eyes staring at any who seemed out of line, the last of his bodyguard were heaving themselves aboard their Battlewagon, suspension springs groaning under the pressure of all the Mega-Armour on board already.

His ears popped as pressure built and settled as Big-Mek Badrek fired up the Kustom Force Field he wore on his back, Sparkit, his grot assistant making small adjustments with a blowtorch to the mechanisms of the thing.

A series of explosions echoed from the humie lines and Gorgrok looked up to see a trio of Fighta-Bomma jets wheeling away, the prearranged signal for WAAAGH! time.

He shouldered his way in amongst his bodyguard, Badrek and Sparkit following, armoured panels squealing as they were forced to pass each other, Grotz scurrying around the wagon trying not to be stepped on.

"GO, GO, WE MOVE!" he bellowed, snapping his power klaw overhead for emphasis, he had no idea if he was heard. But the vehicle lurched with a clatter of track units and armour panels as the driver floored the accelerator.

The entire warband ploughed forwards towards the humies in their stupid trenches. Each slab sided vehicle was covered with jeering, yelling Orks hitching rides to the fight ahead, some which drew Infront of the warboss' wagon gesticulating with their hands at the slower vehicle. When the armoured assault had weathered the incoming artillery shells and closed with the enemy, the tank riders leapt off their vehicles - a few of the smarter Orks waiting for their rides to slow down. Within minutes the ridge line they were attacking was swarming with Greenskin warriors shooting and yelling, hefting Choppas overhead. Geysers of flame lit up the battle, unleashed by the Burna Boyz and high pitched screams added to the din.

Imperial tanks ground forwards from reserve, their cannons blowing great explosive holes in the Orks. It was too little too late, despite the carnage the tankers created, it was as if they were throwing pebbles into a great green sea as the living tide of Orkdom charged forwards again. Orks streamed forwards, dropping into trenches, slaughtering occupants of bunkers, burning out command squads and they cut down everything in their path. At their head Warboss Gorgrok lead the charge, his piston powered Mega-Armour crushing unfortunate guardsmen even as he cut down humie after humie with his power klaw.

An hour after the attack began, Rostern Ridge belonged to the Orks, beyond it lay the city of Sheebera and the wealth of plunder it offered.


One of the things I've mentioned previously in doing Hobby Bingo 2021 was that I didn't feel I accomplished much over the year due to painting to fill the grid target that projects.
I want to address that this year and try to get stuff focussed down to finish.

To that end I'm starting with my first true love, The Greenskins!


(I don't know where this art is from, apologies to the artist, but it's a great piece).

I began my green career way back in 3rd edition of 40k*, when Andy Chambers redesigned them from the shooty-clowns of the setting** to brutal space barbarians. 
There was something about the horde charging forwards to fight, not caring about anything else which drew me in, that and the fact that they are a convertors/scratch-builders dream come true.

I'm going to build up my Orks using the 3rd edition rules*** which were my favourite.
I have plans to eventually run a campaign against my Catachans****, and possibly Deathwatch as the end result of this, so there is a genuine goal in mind.

To start with I've got a mob of 10 Grotz and a Slaver primed up, as well as a Big Mek with Kustom Force Field, I have some 3D printed Grot oilers to base up to accompany him yet.
There are 4 Stormboyz primed up to paint, the first member of that mob was a proof of concept model before I committed to doing 20 like it!
I've got something like 8 Killa Kanz to build and am partway through building a Looted Wagon.
Sitting in his box as a reward for those and anything else is Ghazkhull himself, the new Mega-Armoured version, not the previous one*****.

So strap in and enjoy the crazy world of the Greenskins.

Until next time...


*Arguably the best version of 40k was 3rd transitioning into 4th, not full on 4th edition mind.

** Unfortunately Phil Kelly (who's rules were usually brilliant) turned them back into the clowns with the 4th edition book. Where he also handicapped them severely causing several people I knew at the time to quit playing them.
Seriously we waited nearly ten years for that book!

*** The blog isn't changing into an "Oldhammer" blog as I think that the miniatures today are far superior to the ones of yesteryear (apart from the lack of customisation options, but that just makes the challenge better!). Just that the rules, lore and general attitude of GW as a company were far superior then.
The setting was dark, the rules were great, White Dwarf was a must buy each month (I may do a post about that era of WD in the future).
I can't actually remember the last time I bought WD, couldn't tell you any of the staffers or their armies. 
And having played 9th edition, it's tight, but too wordy and assumes that everyone can keep track of an ever escalating number of command points, stratagems, special rules and the like.

**** Actually, nearly all my hobby goals for this year involve a campaign of some sort.

*****Pretty sure I have that miniature in a box somewhere too!

Incidental note:
A fair few of the images used in this post were from the Warhammer+ episode Old Bale Eye, I grabbed a few screencaps when it was offered for free last August. If anyone wants to set GW's lawyers onto me for it you're welcome to. It'll be well worth the money they'll spend shutting down my small corner of the blogsphere with my average viewers of 20 or so people 😁.

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