Thursday 3 February 2022

JanuWaaaghry - Odds and Sods.


Warboss Gorgrok looked out over his warband from the top of his Battlewagon. A score of Boyz gathered round the slab sided vehicle, arguing and gesticulating at each other as they formed into different mobs each beneath a different Job leader.

His alliance with Big Mek Badrek had been fruitful in the extreme. A full mob of heavily armed Lootaboyz swung their heavy gunrigs around, trying to catch the Grotz at their feet with the sharpened blades attached to the crossbeams.
Slinking around the Lootaboyz making last minute adjustments to each weapon were a pair of Spannaboyz, members of Badrek's mekshop. They pulled levers, reconnected energy wires and performed last minute "percussive maintenance" as they called it. Which looked suspiciously like just hitting things with a big hammer, but Gorgrok wasn't a Mek so didn't care really.

His new Stormboy Mob landed in a pile and quickly stood upright to attention trying to make it all look planned as their Nob howled orders at them and dusted down their 'oonimforms.
He grinned at their antics then scowled as he spotted some Grotz making a break for freedom, just as he was about to shout the hooded form of Zogtoof leapt forward. Whip cracking and catch-pole snatching up the runaways they were hurled back into the mob.

They were gathering on Morkz 'Ead, the Greenskins name for a prominent hill overlooking the next Imperial targets they were going to hit. All they were waiting for was word from the Kommando Mob under Boss Teefskar to return, having better kept to their promise of "blowing up the 'umies wagonz"!

All was set and Gorgrok let a huge fanged grin spread across his face as he realised the now larger warband he commanded.


I have been busy with work recently, so couldn't post this last JanuWaaaghry post until today, but this marks the last few Greenskins I managed to get painted during the month.

I grabbed another five Grotz which I found in the bottom of the box, two metal Spannaboyz from Gorkamorka era in order to add to the Lootaboyz, I'm still working on the remaining Lootaz and a third Mek for them. Finally I started a ten Ork Sluggaboy mob, but only got the first five finished.


The Grotz to add to the completed mob so far:

Start of the Slugga Boyz mob, the other five are part painted:

The Spannaboyz from Gorkamorka, the one on the left has a head swap and a Slugga swap, the one on the right is stock from the blister:

Finally, here is a photo of everything that was painted during JanuWaaaghry

A reinforcement total of 44 miniatures, not bad for a months worth of painting around job training and assessments.

I think I need a pallette cleanser this month, so I'm looking at Stormcast and a few Warmahordes or maybe some Horus Heresy bits to paint to completion.

I'll return to the Greenskins in a bit, as I have a clanking cacophony of Killa Kanz and Deffdreads to get done, as well as a 4th edition Kult of Speed force I pointed up for a possible 5th edition game against Dave if we can ever arrange it.

Until next time...

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