Sunday 9 January 2022

JanuWaaaghry - First Stormboyz and Grotz.


Like a lead weight one of the Stormboyz fell from the sky. He dug a furrow into the blasted ground before the Imperials trenchwork as his rokkit pack dug him deeper through the dirt before exploding.
Another mistimed the landing and impacted upon the firing step, his own unstable rokkit pack exploding and creating a hole five meters wide in the defences.

The rest of the mob were upon the Imperials, dropping like a deadly rain or green muscled killers. Sluggas firing as they came in to land, each firing a fist sized bullet most chewed away parts of the duckboards or firing step, a few found their targets and screams erupted from those not killed outright.

As he landed Boss Rukfang made sure to try to land on a 'Umie, he always claimed it made a sturdier landing surface to the rest of his Boyz. Truth was he liked to try to squish one before the Choppa work began. He'd seen Boss Zagstrukk do this once and aimed to emulate him ever since.

"Roight Ya Gitz!" He bellowed in his best parade ground voice, "Get ta work". With that he lashed out with his power klaw sweeping a couple of Guardsmen away as they were trying to bring their autocannon to bear down the trench. His backswing tore the heavy weapon in two, making it useless scrap, unless the Mekboyz could salvage it later after or during the battle.

He loped off ahead, the Orks curious gorilla type run making them heavy footed, but the huge rokkit pack making his footfalls even heavier so that they actively echoed back at his from the trenchwork. 

An 'Umie grenade was thrown around a corner and he ducked back. Young Grabitz wasn't as lucky and ran face first into the explosion, his body hurled over the firing line, an arm left on the floor.

"That all ya got?" Rukfang shouted and turned the corner to be met by a wall of lasfire. He shrugged most of it off, taking a few glancing wounds which cauterised straight away and ploughed into the unit firing at him. 
All beast now as his vision clouded red and his dreadful power klaw rose and fell in bloody arcs. Soon he was stood alone amongst a trench section filled with the corpses of his enemies, his mob moving in behind executing any he had missed.

"Boss, Boss, there's more of 'em over dere Boss" Nuggit, one of his Stormgrotz shouted in it's high pitched voice.

"Roight den, 'Ere we go!" Rukfang shouted as he and the rest of the Skyboyz ignited their rokkit packs.and surged forwards into the battle again.


As mentioned before, JanuWaaaghry is the first of my project month's aimed at getting full projects finished, not bits and bobs.

We start with the Greenskins which I haven't touched since Orktober 2020, and quite a lot has changed since then.

To begin with, I painted up Gargot and Da Gitz, a mob of ten Grotz and a metal Gorkamorka Runtherd (they were called Slaver'z when first released).

Pretty standard for a mob of these diminutive guys, I just need to add twenty more to them to fill the mob out, just a shame Element Games were out of stock when I tried to order two boxes.
I used Nurgling Green washed first with Sepia and then over the entire base coated miniature with Earthshade to get the light green/olive skintone. In the Third Edition codex there was a section detailing how the older and 'Arder an Ork gets the darker green his skin tinges, so following that logic (and God do I love Ork logic) these weedy guys would be a light green.
Metals follow my usual rusty scheme of starting with Troll Slayer Orange and drybrushing Tin Bitz and Leadbelcher.
Abaddon Black for that classic Goff Klan look with some Mephiston Red detailing for variation.

Onto the next mob, and the one I'm most proud of so far due to the modelling involved.
These are the first five members of Rukfangz' Skyboyz:

Five Stormboyz, eventually I will have twenty done up like this, field-able in two mobs of ten or a huge mob of twenty. I also aim to get a hold of Boss Zagstrukk when I get chance as he's one of my favourite Ork models.

Metals and Goff colours are the same as the Grotz above, Skintone this time is Warpstone Glow washed with Earthshade to get that grubby unwashed look which Orks would definitely have.
This time around, as "Elite troops" they got a bunch of Goff 'Ard Boy checks on the shoulder plates and other locations. The dubious uniformity of Stormboyz was added by painting all the shoulder pads the same and the non-checker one with Mephiston Red.
The Rokkit packs got various splashes of Mephiston Red as well to emphasize the "Red Wunz Go Fasta" mentality, even though they're Goffs.

The twin Stormgrotz were an amusing piece to make as I was one Stormboy short, but had these two left over. They were both added to one base to make up the number of the mob.

Below is the last member of the mob, with distinctly more Red visible...almost looks like and Evil Sun!

A photo of the exhaust trails from the Rokkit packs. These were made by first forming a frame of Garden Wire and gluing it to a 40mm base (I considered smaller bases, but they'd be too top heavy, also I'll take a photo of this process next time).

I then took some Woodland Scenics Ground foam and superglued it to the framework:

Once the superglue had dried, I have it a few coats of watered down PVA to add strength, and once I can get some I'll add a coat of Matte Varnish over the top to seal it all together.

The exhaust was primed grey with the miniature, washed with Nuln Oil and Drybrushed Mechanicus Standard Grey and Ulthuan Grey.
The flames start at the mod point of the exhaust with Khorne Red and work getting lighter with Mephiston Red, Evil Sunz Scarlet, Troll Slayer Orange, Iyanden Darksun and finally Done Yellow near to the Rokkit.
Finally the lower parts were stippled with Baneblade Brown and Ushabti Bone to simulate dust kicked up by the forces.

I am really happy with how the mob has turned out and they are really the catalyst for the Orks being first on the list as the frames on the 40mm bases had been sitting in my wargame cupboard since I made them quite a while ago.

I've got a Big Mek with Force Field and Oiler and several Loota Boyz on the go now so they'll probably be up next.

Until next time...

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