Monday 25 February 2019

Fantasy - Zaedrera, Gorgon Demon.

Sealed away for countless centuries, the Gorgon Demon known as Zaedrera was released from her stasis by miners delving too deeply for riches.

Once a name which could petrify a person just by mention of it, her reputation has dimmed with the passing of time, with many now believe her to be naught but a myth, like the gods themselves...

Unfortunately for the peoples of the realms, Zaedrera is no myth, she is very real.
A lithe, athletic killer whom can move far faster then her serpentine bulk would appear...

If one of the many blades she wields in her six hands don't kill you, then her petrifying gaze may slow you down enough to make the job easier...


Another Reaper Bones miniature completed. This time a "Snake Demon".

As usual with reaper bones minis, the weapons she came with were bent and misshapen. A few moments rooting in the bits box yielded a score of Dark Eldar Wych daggers and a blade on a chain.

In went the clippers to remove the original models hands and replace them with the GW equivalents. Much hardier and more likely to survive the rigours of gaming.

Until next time...

- Lewis

Fantasy - Ig'ni'sio, Greater Fire Elemental.

With a crackle and hiss of heat, the Greater Fire Elemental known as "Ig'ni'sio" has existed for longer then it's original master.

Summoned to do the bidding of a Kahji from the deserts of Mairan. The wizard soon lost control of the avatar of fire which proceeded to burn down most of the palace and earn the Kahji the displeasure of his ruler...and the loss of his head.

Caring nothing for the petty meddling of mortals, the motivations or Ig'ni'sio are utterly alien to most races of the realms.
Aiding one season and destroying the next, no-one is sure what drives this being or where it's loyalty lies...

One thing all are sure of, is that you don't want to be facing it...


Another Reaper Bones model completed, this time a Greater Fire Elemental.
I really enjoyed painting this model, even after a false start...don't ask...

Following a basic tutorial for painting fire from YouTube (sorry I don't have a link to this one) I finished it off quite quickly in about three hours total.

I do have another one of these models to paint up, maybe they will end up facing off against one another at some point in the future...

Until next time...

- Lewis

Fantasy - The Thunderstrike Tribe.

A rage filled roar and the thunder of iron shod hooves are often the closest warnings of attack from the Thunderstrike Ogor-Centaurs.

Although, if you have ignored the other signs, such as the massive dust cloud which marks their presence. And the preponderance of Thunderclouds which follow them, then no-one in the realms will have much sympathy for you.

A relatively new tribe to the area, the Ogor-Centaur species has an ancient history. Their oral history reaches back all the way to the Age of Myth, their ancestors once turning their back upon ''The Lightbringer" and being cursed for doing so.

Worshipping "The Stormlord" as they have done for ages past, they see the new "Lightning Men" as thieves, stealing the essence of the Stormlord in their weapons and reforging. As such, they do not hesitate to attack on sight, if any Stormcast are nearby.


So, here we have some more finished fantasy models. These I am very pleased with.

I have always wanted a unit of Dragon-Ogres from GW, but I am unwilling to pay the £45 or so price tag, when I could come up with something converted for less...

They started out as some 54mm Centaur models made from a crappy soft plastic from a Russian company I got off eBay for less then £5 (including postage).

Converting what are little better then children's toys into something approaching a proper wargaming mini was a simple matter of gathering a few cast off Ogre bits from a friend and then taking the clippers to the "toys". Something I wasn't worried about doing as they were so cheap.

I'm sure you will agree that the results are far better then imagination would give credit

Painting wise, I decided in the end to go for a generic normal horse type scheme (which I found a very good tutorial for HORSE PAINTING GUIDE in order that these models could be used in AoS, 1page, Fantastic SAGA, D&D, etc

These models also tick off a second box for my Hobby Bingo challenge:

The convert a model box is now marked up.
I always like to keep an eye out for toys and other bits which may potentially be converted into uses within this hobby of ours.

Well, until next time...

- Lewis

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Fantasy - Irvyrreth, The Voiceless One, Juvenile White Dragon.

Dragon's are creatures of Myth and Magic, however they are not without distinct personalities depending on their particular species.

Red Dragons are quick to anger and fight, Silver Dragons are very focused upon justice and law, for example.
These types of dragon are very intelligent, very magical and have plans in motion sometimes for centuries.

The White Dragons on the other hand, are very animalistic and focus upon hunting and protecting their own territory.

Normally raised in a clutch with siblings until they are around a year old, they still develop an intellect of around human level, but with a malign self-centeredness. Some are magical and learn the ways of the frost mage, learning polymorph to transform into a different form and walk freely amongst the "lesser beings".

Not so with Irvyrreth, The Voiceless One, raised in a clutch of five, he was left for dead after a human hunting party found their lair.
With his mother and siblings dead, and a great gash across his neck, he survived despite the odds stacked against him.

Though only juvenile, he has garnered a reputation amongst the tribes and cities on the northern mountains as a merciless killer of humans, often letting other races go free as long as they don't turn back to him.

Unable to articulate words due to his wounding as a youngling, his arrival is often heralded by the beating of wings proceeding a great sheet of icy fog descending from above.

With visibility limited due to his breath attacks, he is then able to pick apart his quarry at his leisure, often still rending and tearing bodies long after they have frozen solid.


So, here we have a Dragon (obviously). One of my friends Reaper Bones miniatures, and I was under order to "just paint it however", when I had asked what type of dragon he would have liked.

I chose the White dragon because you don't see them very much, compared to the classic red Dragons.

And also my Mrs and Son both picked that one when I showed them all the different types of dragon in the D&D monster manual.

After a long stint of more work then hobby time recently, it was good to get something finished and off the desk, it also ticks off the first box of my "Hobby Bingo" I mentioned in my last post:

The Monster entry.

I could have gone for the technical entry, as I have improved my drybrush technique, but I don't have that many other monsters to do...yet.

Well, until next time...

 - Lewis