Saturday 15 January 2022

JanuWaaaghry - Lootaboyz and Spanner Boyz.

(I couldn't find the credit for painting this awesome piece).

With a loping run Ghurrob scaled the crest ahead of him, stumbling due to the weight of the Deffgun he carried and the huge amount of ammunition, spare rounds clattering to the floor as he and his mob ran. Grotz scurried gathering the lost rounds and throwing them into a tub they dragged behind them.

"Get out inta a line you zoggin' idiots" Krugmek shouted from behind them, shrouded in a haze of heat discharge as he powered up his Kustom Mega-Blasta. Kicking a grot through the air as he caught up with the Lootaboyz.

"Oi, Badkrak, I've no idea what da zog is wrong with your Boyz today. If you don't get my gunz firin' sharpish, I'll turn dis zoggin' thing on you! Bash some 'eads!" He shouted at the mob leader.

Badkrak turned and snarled at the swarthy Mekboy following them and turned with bared fangs looked over at his Boyz. Each carried the huge rig of a Deffgun, they stood legs braced for the kickback from their weapons.
Grotz ran to and fro making final adjustments that Krugmek called out, polishing aiming gubbinz and flicking switches. Ammobelts rattled as they were loaded and everything spakred with static caused by the build up of electrical energy as capacitors were charged up.

"Roight Boyz, let's show dat loudmouth behind us what Dakka we have. Deffgunz aim for the 'umies, Beamygunz aim for the 'umies wagonz. Got dat?" Badkrak shouted and got a roared response from his Boyz.

"Give 'em da Dakka!" Ghurrob shouted and held down the trigger of his weapon. A stream of sparks errupted from the twin muzzles of the gun and the glowing tracer rounds flew off in a huge arc above the enemy positions.
The ten Lootaboyz were unleashing horrendous amounts of firepower, most of it going above and missing the 'umies they were facing.

Grotz frantically ran between the Orks throwing handfuls of ammunition into the hoppers which were rapidly emptying. A few of the bravest were trying to grab the holding bars of the gunz and aim them down to hit the 'umies rather then miss everything.

Badkrak grinned as his helmet rattled upon his gnarled head. Next to him Ghurrob drooled in ecstacy as they were all deafened by the thunderous discharge. They started to try to aim and causing casualties amongst the Imperials.
An Imperial tank turned its turret and fired an explosive round which tore up the ground infront of them.

"Beamygunz, take out dat wagon!" Krugmek shouted and fired his Mega-Blasta in its direction. A bright ball of superheated plasma screamed it's way down the scree towards the tank, burning the ground as it went. 
Grotz covered their ears against the building whine of the Beamygunz as they charged and fired bright beams of energy which also burned an unfortunate grot who was too close to the muzzle.

Flaming furrows were carved into the ground and the beams moved as the Grotz pulled the Orks to aim at the tank. After another perilously close explosion cause by the threatening tank, the energy beams converged and disintegrated the front armour. A moment later they touched off something inside and the tank blew itself apart as its own ammunition went off.

Krugmek grinned as he watched his creations working blowing stuff up.

'Dis is da life' he thought, and fired another bolt of plasma into the air.


The third post of JanuWaaaghry brings the Lootaboyz up to date with my Greenskins.

Five of these models were painted from scratch, just having their undercoat and orange rust layer applied for almost two years now.

Yes I started painting these Orks when I had my last Apocalypse game against Fraser.

But they're finished now, using the same colours and techniques as detailed in the Stormboyz post.

The other five miniatures were painted way back when in my old Goff paint scheme. I dusted them off with a makeup brush I had bought for drybrushing with, but have since used exclusively as a miniature duster:

And then added a few red and brassy details to bring them into line with the newer painted stuff, I think I'll do this with everything I painted up for Orktober 2020 to refresh the army and make it all look cohesive.

I have a number of choices of what to paint next and would love some input.

As well as refreshing the completed stuff I also have:
  1. A third 20 strong Goff mob, or 2 10 strong Kult of Speed mobz (who will get Trukkz in due course).
  2. A skawdron of Deffkoptaz, for the Kult of Speed (the old Black Reach ones).
  3. A kustom unit of Kommandoz, wearing trenchcoats from Kromlech.
  4. A Battlewagon of some kind, possibly.
Most of this needs to either be built or be repaired as I bought 90% of my Ork army second hand in joblots years ago. But it needs to be done, I'll also be continuing to build my Looted Wagon Tank Destroyer as I go, but something on the side is always good.

I look forward to hearing suggestions, leave a comment below.

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Defo the kommandos, they sound interesting! As usual, the fluff is great! Nice idea to update the 2020 stuff as you go so that everything goes well together!
