Saturday 25 January 2020

The Road to the Apocalypse, part 6.

Greetings guys,

Well no Workbench Wednesday post this past week as I was busy and forgot.
Before that though I had the chance to go over to Element Games in Stockport and get in an apocalypse game.

After a furious weekend of both work and preparation for the game, I had a lot of Orks ready, most of them in primer.
Unfortunately I ran out of time, so some of my vehicles were proxies and the Stompa was just it's hull...but I managed to field the thing (it's only been sitting in its box for the past seven years or so when I got it in a job lot off eBay).

So, we played 190PL of Orks Vs Imperials.
I had a fast moving Kult of Speed Battalion, a Goff Warboss and Nobz in a Battlewagon Vanguard, a Goff foot Battalion, a Deathskullz looted spearhead and the Stompa.

My opponent fielded an Ad-Mech Skitarii battalion, an Ad-Mech Dunecrawler spearhead, a Knight and Armiger Lord of War and a White Scars Outrider with some Ad-Hoc Terminators as support.

 (I realized after the game that his Skitarii were deployed incorrectly, each model in a unit had to be within an inch of Two models from the same unit, hence the cloud movement bases GW puts out).
The Goff foot Battalion is behind those buildings.

We played "Race to Destruction" and he won the initiative roll.

Skitarii creeped forwards to make some room, where as my Kult of Speed threw caution to the wind and made a triple move all the way to the center of the board. (I used an asset card to do this).

There they were promptly counter charged by the White Scars bikes whilst the Dunecrawlers and Looted Wagons traded fire.

My Stompa cycled it's weapons through the front rank of Skitarii and his knights fired at the Stompa.

A few things had wounds given and a unit of Skitarii were killed, but fighting started in earnest in the next turn, as his bikes wrapped around the trukks.

Only to have them be in a perfect position to be charged by the Goff warboss and Nobz piling out of their Battlewagon into the fight.

In response his White Scars Terminators deep strikes and charged into the nobz busy fighting the jetbikes.

And playing a "size the initiative" asset card to make a second action, his knights had a turn, the armigers charging into the developing melee in the center, and the others firing at the Stompa again.

By the end of the turn, things looked like this in the center:

Nearly all the White Scars are gone, half the Skitarii, half of the Kult of Speed, a Nobz mob and the Battlewagon.


We were going to play on, but it was getting busier and later and I still had an hour and as half drive home, so we called it.

2-0 to the Orks victory points wise, but apart from his knights, he was running out of viable units in the game anyway.

So, apocalypse is still a fun enjoyable system.

Lessons learnt this time:

Orks in melee are brutal, X3 and X4 attacks on most stuff will kills things dead when you get stuck in.

The Stompa is as useless as it normally is in 40k, fun though.

White Scars bikers should not enter melee.

Pros of playing at a gaming center:
Lots of tables.
Lots of room.
Lots of terrain.

Negatives of playing at a gaming center:
People like to stop by the table and talk, distracting from the game.
The gaming store is next door so it's easy to get distracted looking at new toys.

A fun time was had and plans are afoot to have another game soon.

This post has to end on a sad and annoying notes however, two days after the game, some scrotes tried to break into Element Games causing damage to the doors and closing it for a while whilst they get repaired...

Le sigh.

Until next time...

- Lewis

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