Saturday 2 June 2018

Fantasy - Spring Bank Holiday Battle

So, there we were, it was Spring Bank Holiday, we'd been out and about most of the day, come home to relax, my youngster had run out of "tech-time" and didn't know what to do...

He was looking in my display cabinet, turned and asked "Daddy, can we play a game of Warhammer?"

"Sure, give me five minutes to get set up".

Here we go...
We played using the One Page Fantasy rules, these are extremely easy to pick up and by the end of turn two he was telling me what he was rolling and what order things happen in a turn.
We played 500 points (roughly, I think I miscalculated with the Order side) a piece as a quick game.
Bloodbound vs a mixed Stormcast and Wood Elf force.

The face of the enemy, calming his noise familiar before battle!

Also the forces are deployed for battle.

He chose the Bloodbound force of:
Valkia the Bloody (Lord of Blood)
10 Warriors
20 Reavers
3 Skullreapers
5 Chaos Hounds.

My own force was:
Naeve Blacktalon (Lord Celestant)
6 Liberators
Spellsinger (Druid)
10 Eternal Guard
10 Gladeguard, split into 2 units of 5
Movement at the end of turn 1

Lots of rushing towards the hill, where most of the battle would take place.

4 Bloodreavers were cut down by the Glade Guard on the left flank.

The Liberators and the Skullreapers tore into each other and didn't really hurt anything (1 wound got knocked off a Skullreaper) so they backed off from each other ready to attack again next turn.
The face of concentration, I wonder if Wellington ever looked like this?

Battle is joined in earnest on turn 2.

Naeve Blacktalon forces her way through the ranks of the Bloodreavers and over the bodies of the Eterna Guard which were just cut down, to engage Valkia the Bloody in personal combat.

After a fitful moment sparing with each other, the Gryph-Hound made the difference and felled the Daemonic Consort of Khorne.
End of turn 2.

The Bloodreavers accounted for the Eternal Guard unit, loosing half their number in the process.

On the right flank, the Liberators and the Skullreapers once again tore into each other, this time however, the Liberators felled the Warriors of Khorne, loosing half their numbers to the whirling blades of the blood maddened daemonic warriors.

The highlight was in the centre with the showdown between Naeve Blacktalon and Valkia the Bloody.
Blacktalon coming out on top and winning the duel, surviving on one wound, before the Spellsinger helpfully healed her a little.
The Bloodsecrator, maddened by the loss of Valkia, charges through the retreating horde of Bloodreavers in order to avenge the consort of the Blood God.

Unleashing a hail of attacks before Blacktalon could retaliate, he felled the noble Stormcast hero, bellowing praise to the Blood God.
End of turn 3.

The Glade Guard on the left flank sot up the Bloodreavers at the beginning of the turn, causing them to retreat back up the hill.

The Bloodsecrator barged through them in order to cut down Naeve Blacktalon in a martial display of rage maddened fury.

The Bloodwarriors, inspired by the Bloodsecrator, charged down the hill and cut down the Spellsinger, who waited too long to retreat.

They were in turn charged by the remaining Liberators, who tried to avenge Blacktalon and the Spellsinger, unfortunately the blade of the Bloodwarriors accounted for them, after loosing a single warrior.

Over on the right flank, the Hounds and the second unit of Glade Guard engaged in close combat, each loosing troops.

This was where we decided to call the game, as it was:

a; obvious that the Bloodbound had won, and,
b; dinner was ready.
 This was an extremely enjoyable afternoon with the youngster, the One Page Rules are a blessing, and I am now using my own home brewed version of them to play games with him and my niece occasionally.

This battle is why my hobby time has been focused upon terrain and fantasy a lot recently, not only do I need more and varied terrain pieces in order to make a decent battlefield, but I actually need to finish some model off to field decent forces to keep interest.

Coupled with the fact that I have begun working on my own fantasy setting for the battles to take place in (no offence GW, but AoS is kind of stale background wise in places), plenty to be getting on with.

Until next time...

 - Lewis

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