Monday 2 October 2023

Dreadtober 2023 - The Project Begins.


"Report, where are the Dreadnaughts?" The captain asked of the bridge crew.
They were monitoring the orbital drop, when ferocious anti-orbit fire had forced an evasion maneuver in low-orbit which had thrown off the landing co-ordinates of the drop pod assault, scattering the landing troops.

"Searching captain, Auspex sweeps are having difficulty due to the interference"

"Do we have a read on that emplacement?" He asked.

"Weapons tasking sir, I'm reading a massive spike of energy at 00.51/3CR, possibly a capacitor or heatsink for a weapon".

"I don't care what it is, blast that thing into the dirt or we're all dead, either from that or the Astartes when they return aboard".

"Aye captain, weapons tracking now, firing in twenty five seconds".

Orders were relayed across the bridge as the pings of the Auspex rang out, the oculous screen choppily reading outputs from three World Eaters squads... they'd put twenty drop pods into the atmosphere.

"Weapons firing" the officer called out and everyone could feel the deck vibrating beneath their feet.

The captain looked up at the viewports instinctively, but they were too far away to see anything at all, he had to settle for the energy spike on the oculous blinking out.

"Round on target, spike destroyed sir" the weapons officer reported, obviously pleased with himself.

The oculous suddenly lit up with a series of World Eater squad transponders.
Most of the company had landed together and were pushing forwards towards the loyalist position. The ones which had been off course were working their way towards the main force.

The Dreadnaughts however, they had been launched together and had landed in what appeared to be a manufactorum, worryingly they weren't moving or responding.

With a sigh the captain opened a vox-link.

"Techmarine Ghrast, are you recieving..."


Well, it's October and that means it's time for one of the community projects to begin.
There are a few which happen at this time of year, Orktober*, Zomtober**, Spookytober...

But my project of choice like last year is Dreadtober.

This year, winding our neck in a little, I'm going to use the project as a way to tick off a couple of things for the 30k World Eaters force I started earlier in the year.

Again, earlier in the year a friend gave me a box with five Castra-Ferrum Dreadnaughts (Boxnaughts) in it which were in various conditions. He is slowly replacing his with Redemptor Dreadnaughts and was going to throw them in the bin, until I said I'd salvage what I could and get them back on the table.

Yesterday, as of writing this, the plasticard and first Boxnaught was brought out to the mat and work was started.

Some judicious filing and sanding got the plates smooth(ish), and several clumps of dried glue off the model. Fortunately the black isn't that thick so I don't have to worry about stripping it off to start again.

After a couple of hours, with a podcast on in the background I had ended up with the following:

I've added plasticard plating to the two front flanks of the sarcophagus and made a World Eaters symbol to add detail, the rivets are slowly being added, I just need to chop some more.

His crest is taken from a spare helmet and adds the Khorne flavour along with the trophy chains hanging and the skull, although I am going to add a few more spiked to the top of the sarcophagus.
The diagonal plate on the centre was added to add interest and cover up where the previous owner had tried to scratch out the winged symbol which is normally there, again, this will have the rivets added.

I haven't started on the Powerfist arm yet, but the Lascannon arms has had some Petruges added to echo the Cataphractii Terminators look, and add that gladiator factor, similarly with the chains, of which I'm going to add some more.
Looking at the leg plate, I also added a stylised version of the World Eater "jaws" to add interest there.

There is more work to be done, adding more chains and skulls, before basing him and then starting on his Brother, as I have two in the force, I am aiming to get both built and painted for Dreadtober.

I envisage these as more corrupted and along the eightfold path, why?
If your trapped in a sarcophagus, with the nails pounding in the back of your skulls and unable to do anything, I imagine you'd be willing to listen to anything daemonic whispering at you.

In a contrast  to the command staff who have started to openly worship Khorne willingly, the Boxnaughts I imagine are more victims of their situation then some of the more understated line troops, so they may get a colour scheme similar to the Red Butchers.

I am going to work on these as a priority, however my hobby time has been cut a little short, compared to painting the Tyranids, as I've been cleared health-wise to return to work...Woo!

Until next time, have nice day...

*I have taken part in this before, when I get back to my beloved Greenskins, I may do so again, or find something GREEN to work on for Dreadtober in the future.

**Chris has taken part in this before, he loves him some Zombies...wait for his Xenos Rampant project.


  1. Oh, this is going to be great! That conversion is going places! The pteruges are a great idea.

    1. Thanks. Early days yet, and most of the plasticard is to cover older scratching damage.
      I'll get a photo of the second Dreadnaught before I start work adding to it.
