Tuesday 31 October 2023

Dreadtober 2023 - part 4.


A rythmic pounding sound echoed from the stricken drop pod as Ghrast scrambled back over the rubble. It was clear that Dhekarst wasn't going to wait to be released from the transport, rather punch his was clear.

Oresk was busily butchering a scouting party which had found them even as Ghrast crested the wall of the ruined manufactory, the piercing shriek of tormented metal announced that Brother Dhekarst was now free.

A blinding flash erupted as he fired his Lascannon as something Ghrast couldn't see, sparking off an explosion as the high powered laser slammed into the ruins.

Ghrast ripped his bolt pistol from its holster and shot a charging Infantryman, sending the body tumbling through the air, limbs flailing with the freedom of death.
He thumbed on his Auspex scanner and turned trying to see some form of numbers of enemies.

Perhaps a platoon worth of mortal troops had stumbled upon them, armoured vehicles in tow, no doubt hoping to destroy the World Eaters who had become separated from the main force.

Dhekarst fired his heavy Lascannon again, a deeper explosion answering as he definitely hit something this time.
Oresk stomped his was forward, bloody smears ground into the dirt beneath the weight of the machine.

Ghrast felt the Butcher's Nails beginning to dig into his skull as the carnage erupted.
Without realising, he was charging forwards into the mortals, firing his pistol wildly.
His axe swung, separating head from neck, arm from torso and body from waist.

He saw only red and didn't register the burning promethium falling around him as both Oresk and Dhekarst stalked forward firing their Lascnnons in unison. Touching off a fuel storage tank and lighting the entire ruined building with hellish firelight.


Phew, this was cutting it close this year, but both Dreadnaughts are fully completed for the deadline (Dreadline?) and ready to serve on the battlefields of Terra:

Brother Dhekarst in all his glory:

He uses the same techniques as detailed in my previous post for Dreadtober, just this time with a lot more red as he's further along the eightfold path then the previous dreadnaught.

I have three remaining Castra-Ferrum Dreadnaughts left over from the box I got from my friend. The state of these three shows you how much work went into the two World Eater ones featured for Dreadtober this year:

Everything completed so far for the Twelfth Legion:

Half of the next unit for this army is on the way as well now, I'm starting to bring in some Troops choices, considering most of the HQ and Elite sections are done now, just a second Apothecary to go.
These follow the ethos of mixing and matching any marine/chaos and Berzerker parts I can get my hand on, with a few 3D printed heads thrown in as well:


Until next time, have nice day...


  1. Really nice work! Great that you managed to finish the second one as well.
    The other angry Marines are starting to look grat as well! I do love the Heresy colours for the World Eaters!

    1. Thank you. I do like the colours, but wanted to mix in some of the classic red, as my forces are themed for very late in the Heresy, when the traitors are openly wearing their new allegiances.

  2. From the humblest of beginnings, so good to see classic boxnaughts getting the love.
