Saturday 15 October 2022

The Die is Cast - Sixth Year Anniversary.


Six years*!

I've been writing and posting about my creative hobby experiences for six years now, and I wasn't sure the blog was going to last six months when I first started it, if I'm being honest.

I've tried to be fairly consistent with blog posts and output, but that hasn't always worked, and as this is a hobby, not a job, I'm going to carry on as I have been doing.

I'm just hoping to get projects finished, so I can get on with the major projects I have in mind, but something always piques the interest along the way...

Anyway let's take a look at some states from the Google analytics page!

The last year:

There have been a few spikes in activity over the last twelve months, and over five thousand views. Not sure what happened in that down period between January and April 2022 as it seems a consistent amount of traffic comes to the blog (I must be doing something right?).

Over the lifetime:

Almost thirty thousand views, so averaging five thousand views per year.
That massive spike of views however skews things, as during that period I was getting on average three hundred views per day for a month from a system in Sweden.
I think it was a spam-bot trying to add "Ray Ban" links to all my posts, but fortunately with moderation of posts turned on, I could identify and block the user.

Geographic information:

Unsurprisingly, being British, most of my views are from the UK, with a lot from the US as I have a few friends who live that way and have managed to avoid getting shot!
Discounting Sweden, for the obvious reasons listed above, the majority of views come from places you'd expect the hobby to be popular. 
The interesting place is Indonesia, as I'm not entirely sure how popular Warhammer is over there...but Hello!

Most popular posts:

A mixed bag overall, as the Azyrite Ruins are the blogs most viewed post. Granted they've been on the blog a couple of years, but I think I have written better posts.

Anyway, that's a quick rundown about the blog for the last six years, long may we continue to write about our toy soldiers and made up world's.

Until next time, have nice day...

* I know six years is an odd anniversary to bring up, but when the blog turned FIVE I was busy training to work on the railway and going through the rules exams and inspection exams I needed for my career then, so I missed the date.

Better late than never I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on this milestone! It's great to, every once in a while, look back at what you've done. Especially when it over such a long period.
