Friday 14 October 2022

Dreadtober 2022 slow progress.


The second week of Dreadtober has now passed us by and I've not done much work on the Dreadmob...

Last week I'd managed to get everything roughly painted with rust orange and then drybrushed with metal.
This week I've managed to get a coat of Agrax Earthshade over most of the models preparing them for the next step.

The most noticeable difference is between the two Deffdreads:

Obviously the one on the left is unshaded, whilst the one on the right is.
This is because I have a few bits to pick out before doing the wash step, such as the Grotz skin and teef for a start.

The Kanz are all together here:

They're all up to the same state, washed with Earthshade to add that trademark Ork Dinge to the models.
Next step is to start working on the checkers and black panels, maybe some red markings like my Ghazkhull not-so-mini!

The last Killa Kanni needed which I mentioned I'd picked up for a fiver turned up too:

Some stripping and cleaning work definitely needed here, but this is a model which is twenty years old at this point, just like the rest of the Mob, so I can forgive it needing some work.

So I am definitely behind where I wanted to be by this point in the month, I was aiming to be well on with checkers and detailing by the end of this week.

However, last Saturday one of our cat's, Shadow, had a stroke or seizure and we spent what would be her last evening caring for her. 
Understandably afterwards hobby didn't spark joy as it normally would have, so the brushes laid fallow for most of the week.

Slightly out of focus, but probably the best photo we have of her as she was quite a shy cat.
She was our first rescue. We adopted her as a kitten from a caravan which was infested with vermin and the owners had about twenty other cats, if we hadn't have taken her in then chances were she would have been killed by one of the other older cats as they were fighting constantly for dominance apparently.
She's here with another kitten we rescued and re-homed a few years ago, and lived to nine or ten years old (we were unsure of her exact age when we adopted her).

Until next time, have nice day...


  1. Any progress is good progress! Even with just the wash down, you can start to see them coming together!

    Sorry to hear about your cat. May she rest well!

    1. "Any progress is good progress! Even with just the wash down, you can start to see them coming together!" - yeah, I've already started to get detailing down on one of the Kan Skwadruns', so should be good for getting them finished in the month.

      "Sorry to hear about your cat. May she rest well!" - thank you.
