Monday 3 October 2022

Dreadtober 2022 begins.


The first stage of the Dreadtober Dreadmob is now complete.
All the walkers have had a layer of Troll Slayer Orange and then been heavily overbrushed with Leadbelcher.
This is different to my usual Orky metal scheme of using Tin Bitz in-between the orange and silver layers, but my paint had dried up in the pot with no hope of recovery.

Fortunately it won't make a difference once they get their Earthshade wash on, and I think I may have found a shortcut to painting Ork metal!

The Dreadmob currently:

This Deffdread I was using as "Da Big Dread One!" last time I played apocalypse against the guard. The Banna-Grot symbolising this, I do have plans to make a proper "Dread One" with a full Kustom Force Field eventually...

The eight Killa Kanz as they stand. I found a ninth Kan on eBay for a fiver the other day, so clicked buy-it-now faster then a madboy running to the drops after a squig fuel curry night!
Once it turns up, I'll have the three mobs up to three strong, so making the formation legal tabletop-wise.
I just need to find another Rokkit Launches, as they all have Rokkits to take advantage of their slightly higher Ballistic skill!

The second Deffdread or "Come at me 'Umie!".
Both Dreads have a Big Shoota and a Skorcha, as well as two close combat weapons for a bit of versatility.
Dakka the enemy, burn them on the way in, then hit them inna' face!

The Goffs will be getting some serious reinforcement once this slab of metal maniacs are finished off.
I have other things I can work on to keep up with Dreadtober if I get these finished sooner then the end of the month, it makes a nice change to actually be able to paint and hobby, rather then be at work all the time.
I'd almost forgotten how quickly I can actually paint stuff if I have the chance to sit and relax.

Until next time, have nice day...


  1. That's quite an impressive pledge for DreadTober! Those Apocalypse formations are a great incentive to paint such a large squad.
    The rust looks quite nice already!

    1. Thanks.
      Yeah the apocalypse formations do make a great incentive to paint, also the fact that these clanking Boyz haven't been looked at since my last game back in May, and I really want to have a fully painted army to do justice to my opponents fully painted Guard forces.
