Friday 29 May 2020

Workbench update, Finished models

Geetings, a number of posts for the end of the month it seems, lock down during the pandemic has had a great effect in the past week for motivation to "GET STUFF DONE".

Well here goes, since my last Workbench Wednesday post I've gotten a surprising amount of models completed, let's take a look:

First up is Prious Vorne and Gotfret De Montbard for Blackstone Fortress.
When things were normal, one of my friend's and I were playing through the Blacstone Fortress campaign and he has bought every expansion for it. Seeing as he had an eye for painting an entire household of Imperial Knights (I think he's up to eighteen now!) I took on the challenge of painting up the Blackstone gear so they'd look great on the table. These two are the latest character I've finished, Contrast Black Templar for the robes and then detailing with an Earthshade wash.

Next are seven Bloodreavers of Khorne (I did paint eight for Khorne's sacred number, but one broke off his base when I went to varnish them, so he is current;y being repaired):
These chaps are to go with the finished Blood Warriors from a while ago, again I wanted to keep the "in-your-face" RED to a minimum, even more on these guys, being the bottom of the food chain of the warband. I have another eight on the paint table to bring the unit to sixteen in total.

I have been given a load of stuff by another friend, in return for painting his Adeptus Mechanicus army (yes another one!). So to start, here are ten Skitarii, this time from Forge World Mars.
The bases aren't finished yet however, as I am going to do them all in one go and to match the ruins I am making alongside them. There are fourty Skitarii of various flavours, ten Sciarians, six Destroyers, four Dunecrawlers, two Tech-Priests and Bellisarius Cawl to paint up.
This is the army I faced part of in the last Apocalypse Game we had in Stockport.

Finally, and one of the things I am most proud of recently, is this unit of ten Chaos Dwarves from Forge World:
I got these short boys in a trade a while ago with a bunch of other chaos gear. At the start of my furlough period from work I decided to get them build, based and primed and then there they sat through two and a half weeks of various "meh" moods and house/garden work which was undertaken. After the Knight-Incantor was completed last week, these models called to me and I blasted through them in about three hours total for the unit.
Contrast Black Templar, Leadbelcher, Liberator Gold, Ushabti Bone and Earthshade covered the armour.
The cloth is Barak-Nar Burgundy highlighted with Screamer Pink (two of my favourite colours from GW recently) and the symbol is Ushabti bone washed with Seraphim Sepia.
A quick easy colours scheme which let me blast through the unit quickly, I think I may have to replicate this on the two units of Chaos Warriors whom are undercoated and staring accusingly from the paint shelf!

Well, following my latest pledge to myself about getting things and armies finished at the same time, I am going to work on Bloodbound for a bit as I am halfway through the Bloodreaver unit, I am also thinking of working on my Imperial Guard as my other project.
The Adeptus Mechanicus army has to be done alongside both anyway to give some variety.

I hope you enjoyed this post, until next time...

 - Lewis

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