Sunday 31 May 2020

Throwback Workbench

Sometimes...ok more then a few times I forget about things.

This morning, whilst clearing off old photo's from my phone, I discovered a bunch of photo's of models I painted up as a Christmas and Birthday present for a friend (the one with all the knights...)

Behold, from January this year, some Khornate troops for his Black Legion army:
There are eight Khorne Berzerkers, Khorne's sacred number, and ten Cultists, these are a cheap eBay purchase of the old Dark Vengeance rifle squad, I would have preferred the melee squad, but you get what you can get.

A closer look at the converted Khorne Berzerkers, as the standard models are old and fugly:
The unit's Skull Champion, is made up of a Berzerker body, but with grafted on parts from the Wrathmongers fantasy set like the front chest armour, head and axe:

The Cultists are standard models, just painted up to match:
Slightly duller red because it's on cloth and also these are lowly cultists, the cannon fodder, the Berzerkers are the ones which do all the killing!

Not for the Khornate section of the army, but still part of his Black Legion force, I was given this Forge World Terminator Librarian at the new year with the challenge: "paint it by my birthday" (20th January)...ok...oh and it had to match his other Librarians and Commanders, as he has a particular way of doing warp flames and problem!

The result:
This was my first ever experiment with Contrast Black Templar (why is that stuff so good?), I also used Contrast Flesh Tearer Red on his cloak, but didn't like the effect so added a Crimson wash, which seems to have dulled the contrast effect somewhat.

Well, these haven't been fielded yet, an early casualty of lockdown was a planned battle day at Warhammer World, we live ninety minutes away. So they've been sat waiting to rend skulls. In the meantime my friend has gotten their big leader finished and a fair few Daemon Engines for the force, so they'll all need an outing, hopefully soon.

Until next time...(hopefully I wont forget about a post for six months!)...

 - Lewis

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