Tuesday 31 October 2017

AoS - Defenders of Ancestor's Fyrd, part 1.

I like Age of Sigmar.

There I've said it...I like Age of Sigmar, not a popular opinion around here by any means, but it is my opinion. Age of Sigmar is a great game, it's fast, easy to pick up, has a lot more tactical depth then people give it credit for, and yet, my local gaming group have seemed to overlook it entirely.

I can understand this with 8th edition 40k being released recently, but still...

In spite of me trying many times to get momentum rolling for us all to play AoS, nothing has come of it.

I still like it though...

In one of my attempts to get a group going, I started to build some stuff for a Freeguild army, here is my first (mostly) finished miniatures for it and a bit of back story.

Warpriest Tordimir Nicoljasyn and the Urszdora, The Great Axes of Destiny, defenders of Ancestor's Fyrd.

I had finished painting these models a while ago, but only just finished adding the grass tufts to their bases, (and I really do need to add a motif or something to the banner).

In the background is a Great Eagle I got in a trade from a friend who was getting out of the hobby. It is one of the LotR Eagles, which are some of the best giant bird miniatures GW have ever produced, they even rank highly in my favourite miniatures ever produced by GW too.

The eponymous town of Ancestor's Fyrd came into being when GW put their City Generator Tool on the Warhammer Community web page as the Firestorm Campaign box was released, a few dice rolls later and the town of Ancestor's Fyrd was created.

"The town of Ancestor's Fyrd lies upon a heavily used crossroads deep in the Drakespine Mountains of Ghur.
Humans and Duardin are the most common residents here, but Sylvaneth from the great redwoods upon the mountainsides visit the town to acquire useful tools for their life giving rituals deep within the woodlands and the Stormcast Eternals maintain a small garrison here as a defence against the Orruk raids which periodically plague the area.

The local Duardin expertly craft weapons and armour for the forces stationed in the town using the Arcane Forge they created on a nexus of magical power they discovered within the town walls.

Ancestor's Fyrd was the site of a great battle in times long past and artifacts of the armies which fought can still be found in the surrounding lands to this day".

 I do love these sort of things from GW as it allows you to really create a sense of where your games are taking place, instead of just "in the infinite realms" etc.
They also lead you down different paths for hobby projects, for example given the background to the town I could spend a period building some ancient battlefield detritus, or a magical blacksmiths forge. I could add some redwood conifer forest bases and some Sylvaneth at the same time (the Treelord kit is lovely).

I also have a number of Beastmen lying around waiting to be completed, however these could be traded away for some Orcs to raid the township, the possibilities just keep growing.

I also posted the above background and picture on the Warhammer Age of Sigmar page on Facebook in their monthly competition which finishes tomorrow. Probably wont have a chance of winning, but why not enter?

well, until next time...

 - Lewis

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