Friday 27 October 2017

40k - A Word in your Ear!

So I have had this Callidus Assassin sitting half painted on my desk for a while now.
I bought her when the Assassin models were released separately after the Execution Force game was released a few years ago.

Having my ToH Warrior Monks in that strange period of painting where small bits get started but not finished until later on, I decided to pick something up which I could finish and get clear of the table to feel good about slogging through the other stuff.

Here she is:

A very standard paint scheme which is quite close to the GW one, no point in making her brightly coloured when it isn't needed on this model.

I enjoyed painting her and as my regular 40k opponent said the other day, I should think about investing in a Culexus Assassin as my planned Imperial Guard (none of that silly Astra Militarum please) doesn't really have any defence against psychic attacks, the poor fool, obviously doesn't know what the assassin does to enemy psykers.

well, until next time...

 - Lewis

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