Sunday 28 January 2024

Infestation - part 7.

We're at the end of January, and sadly because of work, I haven't been able to get to where I wanted to with the ongoing Tyranid project.

I have gotten a few things finished, but with just over two weeks to the game (weather permitting, judging by the forecasts) I don't think I'll be able to add that slew of extra gribblies to the army which I wanted.

On with what I have gotten painted though, and one of the benefits of playing at Element Games, is the fact that I can take 3D printed stuff, a blessing really, as we start with fifteen 3D Printed Spore Mines:

Terrifying squid bombs, which explode when they detect life signs nearby, showering their victims in acid...truly awful.
More terrifying is the fact that the Hive Fleet can scatter these in the atmosphere from orbit and just have them drift down to the ground on their own accord!

A closer look at the three types I got in the STL files:

Before I mentioned that they can be dumped into the upper atmosphere from orbit and left to their own accord drifting away.

Below are my plans for these things, they're going to be launched from Living Artillery!
The first Biovore has been printed and completed*, this will give me some long range firepower, something I noted I was sorely lacking in our last game.this came from the same STL pack as the Spore Mines above and it's a nice solid chunky print:

I've used the same Tyranid and Basing scheme with the  urban bases coming in useful here, as the only real variation you can do on this model is the leg positions.
So the flat layers of cork I use to represent broken concrete really plays into my favour here allowing me to get a decent amount of surface area to glue to, the fact that they are pinned at every joint and the base is a bonus as well.

Finally, here is a scale shot against Lieutenant Albo of the Deathwatch: 

I find it useful having a scale comparison, especially as everyone knows what the size of a Space Marine should be.

Points wise for the AHPC counter, the Biovore is a big model, easilynas big as a vehicle, so adds 20 points, and the 15 Spore Mines count as "foot models" for 5 points each, a total of 75 points together.
This adds 95 points onto my total from these models.

More to come in the next post.

Until next time, have nice day...

*Alright, I know "technically" it's an Exocrine model, not a Biovore.
But Exocrines didn't have rules in 5th edition 40k, and myself and Cardboard Fortress are not at the adding homebrew rules into the game yet when we have perfectly good rules to work with.

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