Wednesday 31 January 2024

Hobby Spending - January 2024.


The end of the first month of 2024 resets the counter for my hobby Spending, and allows me to keep track through the year again.

Wargaming is a constant pressure to spend money as in the meme above, as with Games Workshop's latest reveals from LVO, one of my purchases this month was very fitting.

Speaking of, let's get straight into it.
I picked up this 2004 Annual for £1 off eBay.
Slightly before my preferred 5th edition 40k (which was 2008 I believe), but it's a fun period and most of the stuff can be tweaked between editions without many problems*.
So in this book, referring to the reveals at LVO, is a full army list for Mercenary Kroot armies, as well as Feral Orks (lovely Idea and some of the newer AoS Brutes would work wonderfully.
I'm on the lookout for the older Chapter Approved and Annual books at reasonable prices now:

From the same seller for £1 was this practically pristine copy of the 5th Edition Eldar Codex.
I've never been too much of a fan of the space elves, but I figured it would be nice to complete the collection of 5th edition codices and replace a couple of mine (Tyranids, Chaos and Orks) which are showing their age and falling apart.
The fact that I need to add an Ulthwe force to the Eye of Terror project means that this book is actually useful:

Practical purchases next, and I picked up a spool of 80m of 1mm steel pinning wire in order to secure models together, along with a fresh batch of 10 1mm drill bits incase any break.
Pinning is a very useful technique, especially for heavier miniatures to make the glue joints more secure over the long term. This is very true in the case of the 3D printed Biovore/Exocrine I put together and will come in handy for when I get to the Warmachine Warjacks:

Finally, a purely selfish "because I want it" purchase was this copy of the old Celtos Rulebook by Ikore from 2002.
I remember looking at the Celtos minis and falling in love with the Celtic Stylings, but the proper sword and sorcery vibe given off.
Hefted weapons, Muscles galore, chainmail bikinis...proper Frank Frazetta stuff.
I believe the miniatures are now sold by Bridge Games UK, but I may dip my toe into 3D printing some stuff which fits the theming of the setting if incan find any suitable STLs in the future:

Number crunching time:

5th Edition Eldar Codex - £1.
2004 Games Workshop Annual - £1.
Pinning Wire & Drill bits - £8.
Celtos Rulebook - £5.

Total for January: £15.
Budget for January: £50.
Over/Under Yearly Budget: under budget by £35.

So starts the year, already quite a way under budget.
I'll keep my usual budget open for February, however I do have some Christmas monies I have been saving as we're visiting Element Games in the middle of the month, so may pick up a few more things then.

As always...

Until next time, have nice day...

*Hell the 3rd edition Ork and Dark Eldar codexes were that long lived they practically saw three editions each.
3rd until the very end of 4th for the Orks.
3rd until halfway through 5th for the Dark Eldar!

1 comment:

  1. Celtos and keeping a track of your spending you are a kindred spirit!
