Thursday 21 December 2023

The Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge.


So the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) is something which I have seen mentioned in various places on the internet by way of blogs, the lead adventure forum and Facebook posts, but never looked into.

When I finally did investigate I was too late to sign up as all the places had gone for participants.

Le sigh...

Basically it's a 'set your own challenge' painting system to reduce the lead mountain and post about it at the same time.

People set their own score they want to work towards, the organisers say 300 points is a good target for a new participant for example, and then you paint from December 21st until March the following year.
Sounds easy enough, but easy enough to give yourself a massive target and fail spectacularly on the internet!

As I have a few projects I want to get kicked off, I've decided to take part from outside the challenge, and just aim to reach my target score within the three months.

The scoring from the challenge is as follows:

10mm foot figure = 1 point.
10mm mounted figure, artillery piece or crew. served weapon = 3 points.
10mm vehicle = 6 points.

28mm foot figure = 5 points.
28mm mounted figure, artillery piece or crew. served weapon = 10 points.
28mm vehicle = 20 points

I have only copied the 10mm and 28mm sections as that's what I will be working on in the near future (a lot of God's own Scale, and some 10mm for a friend).
I'm also going to set my target goal as 300 points the first time participant score* 

One of the things I want to get started is a long held ambition to have a Feudal Japanese army, I know I've dabbled with Test of Honour, and I like the game, but I want to do BIG BATTLES!

With the advent of 3D printing, and the glorious work of Kyoushuneko , I'm finally taking the plunge on this project and have printed off a bucket load of Sohei Warrior Monks**

The battle line testing for fit:

Each one of those Ovals are 150mm by 195mm, so plenty of room to create the sort of ragged formations for which were common during the period.
A close up of the Spear wielding Sohei:

And the command base with the Banner Bearer, Leader and Flute in the center:

I am debating adding a label to the rear of each base describing what it is, or squeezing on a few more miniatures.
I'm trying to keep them from being too close to the edge as resin can become notoriously brittle and break at the Sneeze of a Gnat!

With 28 miniatures pictured, if I don't add anymore to the unit then that should start me off with 160 points towards the total.
This is along with anything else I paint alongside over the next three months.

Here goes...

Until next time, have nice day...

*I'm not masochistic enough to set a total like 2000 points as some of the people taking part have done!

**Maybe I shouldn't have started with my favourites, time will tell.

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