Friday 29 September 2023

Infestation - part 4.


Rather then start this post with an animated pixel art of a Tyranid, I decided to hark back to some classic GW artwork from what is known as their "Golden Era"*.
Artwork from this period always evokes the "feel" of the universe I find, more so then the current themes of art.
The black and white, gritty style which emerged after second edition really fed into that Grimdark atmosphere the universe was starting to really build upon and drive down into.
Some of my favourite pieces from this period are the little portraits which you'd often find in the margins of the pages, really evocative stuff.
This is all subjective though and just my opinion, your mileage may vary.

So, on with this update and the final section of this stage of the army is now complete:

Without boring the reader too much, there are twenty Termagants, three Ripper Swarms (I only needed one) and a Winged-Prims (masquerading as a Shrike).

Below are some army shots of the full painted collection so far:

A veritable horde of gribblies, ready to give someone a headache.

Starting around the 6th of September and completing this segment on the 27th of September, I am understandably happy with the work which went into these of the three weeks I've been painting them.

The paint scheme is fast and easily replicable on both the small and larger monsters.
I'm particularly liking how it's not "in yo' face" like some GW paint schemes are, and it works extremely well with the urban/ruin bases I went with. The bright blue brain area's add that spot of colour against the greys and purples, likewise the bone, being the other main contrasting colour works when placed against the mini's as a whole I think.

Left for this project as of this post are:
  • One Screamer-Killer.
  • One Psychophage**.
  • Two Von Ryan's Leapers.
  • One Neurothrope.
Now is the time when I become torn, as I don't actually need to complete those models from field my army at 1,500 points, as that's what the army above is built to.


I also kind of want to get the Tyranids crossed off of the To-do list.

Choices, choices...

I'll leave you with this Tyranid girl:

Until next time, have nice day...

*the tail end of second edition through to the end of fifth edition.

**Currently I'm counting these things as Mawlocs, however I really want one of the proper models for the big burrowing beast.
I'll have to try to work out way to backdate the rules for the proper Psychophage...actually knowing what the damn thing does in 10th is.



  1. This is really quite impressive! Lovely collection and painted in record time as well!

    1. Thank you, they were painted up for a game against Cardboard Fortress Imperial Guard army, and I was determined that I wasn't going to have any unpainted/primed miniatures this time as it's embarrassing when placed next to his lovely army.
      I know some people say "no unpainted models on my table" but some of us have real lives to content with.

      As for the record time, I've been able to do it because I've been off work Ill recently, and am due back next week as I am recovered now.
      Plenty of time to paint, but caused by a reason I would rather forget...
