Friday 16 February 2024

Infestation - part 9.

The Tyranid force has been growing again, with more reinforcements. These were all meant to be used in a game today, however, due to the onset of a chest infection, I had to cancel. I was driving the eighty-odd miles to Stockport to play with toy soldiers when I can't stop coughing every ten minutes or so...

Anyway, I thought I'd showcase the bits which I have now gotten finished starting with a unit of three Tyranid Warriors:
I bought these after the last game, as I realised quite early on that I needed more Synapse control for the smaller creatures, and I needed some ranged firepower to try to take on the Tanks of the Guard.
The Devourers are a good mid range assault weapon and the big Venom Cannon is a Tyranid Lascannon equivalent. Their melee combo of Bonesword and Lashwhip are just nasty, as they cause instant death on failed leadership tests after s wound is suffered.
The box comes with that many spare parts and options though, that I found an STL of Warrior bodies, and I've made up a Prime on foot and a second unit of three warriors to add in the future.

Next up we have the gristle of the army, lots and lots of Termagants:
Both sets of these are the older miniatures which I bought for cheap off of eBay and refurbished for my needs.
The ten at the top with the Fleshborers will be added to one of the twenty strong units I already finished bringing them up to full size.
The ten at the bottom all have Devourers as their weapon*, meaning they'll give a little more longer range fire whilst we charge at the enemy.

Two more Von Ryan's Leapers:
These two models are the remaining two from the two Leviathan starter sets which started this project off, they're still some of my favourite 'New Nids' of the force reboot, and I have another three to add in due course.

A second Biovore/Exocrine:
The same 3D printed STL as the last one I showcased, with a third waiting to be built, they'll give me some good long range firepower.

And the final Winged Tyranid Prime:
I know that in tenth edition, Winged Primes cannot be equipped with a Venom Cannon, so why have I done it?
Well in fifth edition, the unit called Tyranid Shrikes, we're basically a unit of Warriors with wing upgrades as standard. They could take all the upgrades from Warriors, so I've put all three of the Winged Primes together into one unit to make a Shrikes unit which will accompany my Winged Hive Tyrant and give some mobile fire support.

Lastly, here's a photo of everything I've painted up this year so far for the Hive Fleet:
Not a bad little showing if I do say so.

Points wise for the AHPC points counter we have the following:
Three Tyranid Warriors - counting as mounted model because they're in that middle size category - 30 points.
Fifteen Termagants** - infantry sized - 75 points.
Two Von Ryan's Leapers - infantry sized - 10 points.
One Biovore/Exocrine - large model - 20 points.
One Tyranid Shrike - mounted model as it's the same size as the Warriors - 10 points.

For a total of 145 points added to the total from this lot here, and a chunk added to my total miniatures painted this year as well which I'm pretty pleased about.

I'm going to focus on a different project for the time being, and might add a unit or two to the force in the future but not for a while I think.

Until next time, have nice day...

*Alright there are two in this unit with Spinefists, but I will take what I can get second hand off of eBay, they'll just "count as" Devourers.

**I did already paint five of the Devourer armed Termagants before I started the AHPC tracker, so I'm going to be honest with myself and not count those.

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