Sunday 21 May 2023

May Hobby Challenge - Kharn Complete!

Steam guttered from the vox grill of his helmet, a helmet altered with enhancements by the artificers on their march to Terra.
He had torn off part of his armour leaving his left arm bare, just chains wrapped around his wrist in a mocking tribute to the slavery the false emperor wanted from them.

His father's axe, the mighty Gorechild, snarled in anticipation in his left hand, the cooling plasma pistol in his right hand making the air blur with the was of heat dispensing from its cooling baffles.
Gorechild growled again, the teeth of the chainaxe moving of their own accord, as if to take his own skull if he didn't give it more enemies to feed on soon.

The devastated outskirts of the Imperial Palace laid out infront of the gathering World Eaters, howls and warchant's echoing across the dust strewn ruins.

Kharn the Bloody, Equerry to the Twelfth Primarch and leader of the Eighth Assault Company turned his head and looked upon the mountain of scorched skulls they had piled up.
Each one a macabre, grinning visage of death. Each one an offering to the Lord of Battles, Khorne, the Blood God, the legion had taken to their new patron quickly, only openly displaying their new allegiance before the Solar War began, it all seemed so familiar. 

With an insistent thumping in the back of his head, the Butcher's Nails bit hard and Kharn turned and leapt from his vantage point.
Normally he would give an advance order, this time he signaled the start of the next assault with a new, but oddly familiar chant

"Blood for the Blood God!"


So, my own miniature rescue for the month is now finished.

I've painted Kharn up as his Horus Heresy incarnation as I prefer the colour scheme of the World Eaters during this period, and they haven't devolved into the idiotic memery which comes with most 40k tropes because Games Workshop lean hard into just one aspect of an idea and can't have nuance and character to their creations.

Anyway, the white and blue armour are one of my favourite combination's of colours, and I had to add the red flourishes to Kharn to show his descent into worship of Khorne.

I chose to use the actual chaos version because I always liked the older background where the traitors looked completely different, wearing the corruptions and such on their armour when they got to Terra.

So the learning daemonic skulls and armour trim work for this idea, rather then the smooth plate of the Forge World models.

Whilst I like the Forge World story expansion and they did a lot for the setting, even giving us the first edition of the game.

I don't see the legions all turning up to Terra with fresh and matching suits of Mk.3/4/6 armour after nearly a decade of civil war, and each legion having its own way to going about things.

So Kharn with his warped Mk.5 suit and missing left arm of armour fits my interpretation of the setting and story better.

They're my models so tough...

The white is Ulthuan Grey and the Blue is Macragge Blue, whilst the brass is Hashut Copper.
This all then got a wash of "Marine Juice", a Forge World army painted trick which mixes an equal part of Nuln Oil, Riekland Fleshshade and Lahmian Medium to make a reddish, blackish weathering wash.
Then White Scar and Calgar Blue highlights were applied.
The joints and cables were given a coat of Contrast Black Templar and his flesh is Contrast Guilliman Flesh washed with neat Riekland Fleshshade.
Finally the red starts at Khorne Red, washed with Earthshade and highlighted with Mephiston Red and Evil Sunz Scarlet.

His base starts with Mechanics Standard Grey, gets washed with Earthshade and then drybrushed with Mechanics Standard Grey and Ulthuan Grey with a final very light highlight/drybrush of White Scar.

I have enjoyed this project and am working on some other World Eater miniatures with the intention of doing a Siege of Terra collection for 5th edition 40k (the best edition), featuring all the major players in some form of another, so I'll be posting them shortly as I've almost got a command squad for the legion finished.

Working with finecast had its own challenges, it's a useful material for conversion work, but it's crap at holding detail. Indeed I can see where Kharn has lost a few bits of detail, simply through the material used.
But that was a mistake of the selling post of eBay because I didn't realise that he wasn't the metal casted mini, I do need to glue a coin under his base to give him some heft.

I'm looking forward to seeing other people's rescue contributions coming soon as I know people have started to receive their miniatures they've bought, so keep an eye out for that future post.

Until next time, have nice day...


  1. A really nice resuce!
    I agree, the Heresy colours for the World Eaters are great, I once had an idea to do some Fantasy Khorne Warriors in the blue an white, but that never came to fruition.
    Looking forward to see with the other WE!

    1. Thanks.
      I think that a fantasy version of the World Eaters colours would look interesting.

      On the other units note, I've nearly got a Command Squad finished, a unit of converted Red Butchers and Tacticals built and am sorting parts for a big 15 man unit of Berzerkers/Despoilers.
      Just for a start.
