Wednesday 31 May 2023

Hobby Spending - May 2023.

When Chris sent me this image we were discussing our own respective nostalgia moments when entering the hobby.
For my own part, I still have the memory of picking up the issue White Dwarf when Inquisitor was released and reading the battle report avidly in the back of my dad's car whilst we were on our way to a garden center...that's got to be about twenty-four/five years ago* now...


A historic month for 21st century Britain as we celebrated the coronation of King Charles III this month.

However, in far more important hobby related matters, we discus how the monthly budget has been spent on toy soldiers instead.

Firstly, I began with the Monthly Rescue Challenge which I actually found my project for as soon as I finished posting the original post.

I was discussing with Chris about it after posting and just idly scouring eBay, when I came across Kharn the Betrayer (What a Guy), complete and at a low price as no-one had bid on him.

Being a miniature which I had always wanted and been looking for for a while, this was perfect.
He's now been "finished (add link)" and is available to lead the charge against the Imperial Palace in the future.

To go with Kharn, I have been building some Horus Heresy World Eaters using my own methods and based upon the artwork in the "Visions of Darkness (add photos)" books.
I dislike the everyone factory fresh in Mk.VI armour like GW is pushing, the narrative is for the most brutal civil war in human history which itself is longer then longest major wars in the last century.

Without an army of menials to polish their armour, I took inspiration from the old school method of making Pre-Heresy marines from before Forge World started making the mini's for the period.
Combining Space Marines and Chaos Marines from the 2000 era, I made a mishmash of armour marks, but was lacking heads.

Enter the 3D printer market, and this batch of heads which feature the Butcher's Nails prominently.


Looking ahead, I was thinking about a summer project which I can take as a portable wargame.
World War One doesn't seem like it would work, but it's a period I've been looking at gaming on the tabletop, ever since I played Battlefield One (link YouTube) when it was released, and lately watching 1917 (link YouTube) which was an experience. 

For the cheap bid of £3, I picked up this copy of Great War for Flames of War, and plan to create the forces using Pendraken 10mm miniatures ready for the summer.

Once again we turn to the World Eaters, a bit later in the month, I was looking through some suggested bits after I bought the 3D printed heads and stumbled across these Cataphacti Shoulder Plates for £5.
As I wanted to add a unit of Red Butchers I clicked buy-it-now and waited.

Whilst good and with the legion symbol clearly on the pauldron, sadly they are quite thick when compared to the normal Cataphacti Shoulders but, still worth the punt as they give the Butcher's a much more heavy set, brutal look with the big plates.

The monthly rundown:
Classic Metal Kharn the Betrayer - £5.50.
3D printed World Eaters heads - £10.
Flames of War, The Great War - £3.
3D printed World Eaters Shoulder Pads - £5.

Total for May: £23.50
Budget for April: £50.
Over/Under Yearly Budget: under budget by £74.72.

Still well under budget, as I'm heading to Stockport and Element Games in June, this will come in handy as I usually buy quite a bit when I visit, something to do with the 20% discount in the store maybe?

Until next time, have nice day...

*Where the hell does the time go?

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