Monday 6 February 2023

The January 3D print challenge - 2023, part 3.


Hello, welcome to the third part of this small series dealing with the January 3D Print Challenge.

If you remember, I bought £10 Blind Boxes for myself, Chris and Cardboard Fortress which all came with a guaranteed 'Ziri' miniature so we could all paint her and compare/contrast our different painting styles.

This can be found in Part 1 and Part 2.

For part 3 though, I wanted to showcase the three miniatures I received and got finished throughout the month*.

So, with Ziri, as already discussed, I chose this piece of artwork as an inspiration piece after a fruitless search for JRPG artwork which wasn't Hentai, Porn or Waifu material.

Not rehashing everything said in parts 1 and 2, but I kept to the colour scheme with just the cloak being used to add some brighter colours.
Chris did comment to me over messenger that they almost seemed like Parrot feathers with the colours.
I'm most proud of her blonde hair though as it's the first time I think I've ever done a decent job on that colour hair. It's usually too bone or yellow coloured.

The second character I received was Vivi, a Black Mage from Final Fantasy**.
He is one of my favourite characters from across the franchise so I was really pleased when he was in the box.

Culled from the internet again, I found the Final Fantasy IX concept artwork for him.

Armed with this I made a start, the Thunderhawk Blue coat, and the green/white striped trousers were iconic, as was the hat with the leather wrapped around it.
A lot of contrast paints were used;
Skeleton Horde for the hat.
Apothecary White and Militarum Green for the trousers.
Wildwood for the leather and his staff.
For the leather this was then coated twice with Carroburg Crimson wash to give that deeper red look.

I deviated with his cuffs and the tails of his coat by using Ulthuan Grey line with red or black as this gave a much more satisfying contrast to the blue coat rather then the light grey used in the artwork.

The third miniature I received in my Blind Box was a Doberman, more specifically "Guard Dog 3".
A quick jaunt to Google again and I gathered this reference picture:

One of my friends said that I should paint him as Scooby Doo, but I chose not too, preferring to keep within the somewhat more realistic/sensible side of the JRPG theme I was trying to work within for the project.

Not much to comment as it was a fairly decent and simple paint job.
Abaddon Black basecoat with Mournfang Brown patches for the markings.
I then lightly drybrushed the entire mini with Stormvermin Fur to get some definition on the face and musculature, then toned that down with an all over Nuln Oil wash.
He was the quickest mini of the three to paint, and most people's favourite***.

Lastly here's a group photo of the trio, they didn't come with bases so they're on 32mm's.
I tore up some cork to make rocks and then used my usual builders sand.
As a different tack, I worked over a light grey undercoat and painted the bases twice with Snakebite Leather, the rocks with Stormvermin Fur washed with Earthshade.
Then I drybrushed the entire base with Ushabti Bone for a highlight.
Some grass tufts from the drawer and edge the bases with Abaddon Black and they were done.
The final step was to lightly spray them with Matt Varnish, this helps set the Tufts in place as well I've found.

This has been an enjoyable diversion of hobby time, and bringing Chris and Cardboard Fortress into it was a fun conversational time as well.

As I said in Part 2, I am going to run one of these with other people again in a few months, but rather then the £10 Blind Box, I'll buy an STL and print/cure a miniature for everyone taking part. As there are some awesome creators out there on the internet and some really lovely models which deserve to be physical models.

I've another couple of 3D printed projects in the pipeline which I've already received, having had them printed here by a friend.

Until next time, have nice day...

*I never specified that we had to paint all three mini's, I just decided to get them all done and ready for the display case.

**We Print Mini's do other characters from Final Fantasy, I may have a punt on some of those later in the year.
Cloud, Today, Aerith, Vincent from Final Fantasy VII are all available from the seller that I've found searching through their listings.

***Kind of like this:

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