Friday 3 February 2023

The January 3D print challenge - 2023, part 2.


So, a couple of days late posting this, but we all finished our January 3D print painting challenge inside the deadline.

I challenged Chris and Cardboard Fortress to paint up the Ziri miniature from the Blind Box I bought them each for Christmas, with myself taking part with a third box.

We all had to start on 1st January and have her completed by the 31st of January with proper lightbox style photographs taken.

There was no brief for painting, just do what you want and have fun, conversions were allowed, but should have been kept to a minimum because the point was to get her painted and then compare all three of our models in this post.


For my own miniature, I took inspiration from the other miniatures I received in the Blind Box, one of which was Vivi from Final Fantasy which I'd already mentioned.
I decided to follow this JRPG inspiration and did a bit of searching for suitable reference images, eventually ending up with the Swordswoman image which I based this miniature off.

I went for a blue undersuit and kept the metallic corset and bra from the artwork, along with the blonde hair. Metallics are based, washed and highlighted, although the photo kind of looses those in definition.
Turning to her back, I decided to add some coloured detail on her feathered cloak using contrast paints. 

Cardboard Fortress offering next, and he said he was going for a classic pulp adventurer look to his miniature.
The blue corset/leotard and white stocking with the armour do sell this look, seriously go and look up some classic pulp adventure artwork.
He has taken the highlights one or two steps further then I did on the blue, and the white looks great.
To contrast with the bold blue, he opted for a muted grey cloak, and a different way of painting blonde hair.

Thirdly we have Chris's dark offering.
Chris often works in a desatured, dark style with muted tones.
She's very much the image of a classic ranger here, with the dark green and leather browns.
Aside from the obvious difference of this miniature being a Brunette instead of a Blonde, Chris has also done a darker skinned colour, which almost looks grey at some points.
Contrasting with mine and Cardboard Fortress as well, Chris's gold seems much more vibrant, maybe because the rest of the model is quite dark coloured, it draws the eye towards it.

Three different painters, three different styles and three different interpretations of the same miniature.

I used quite bright bold colours to try to get that JRPG feel, Cardboard Fortress is a bright, but toned down Pulp Adventurer and Chris'is the Dark Fantasy archetype, I think we've all hit the target with our respective painting.

Interestingly, in spite of not talking or comparing much (both myself and Cardboard Fortress have been ill during this past month) both of us came out with quite close schemes with the blue, Caucasian skin tone and blonde hair, the differences are there to be seen, but they are both similar schemes.
Chris's is the most different, but again that's his general painting style as well*, amusingly he's the only one to not paint the severed head as a greenskin, but in actual fleshtones...


This has been an enjoyable time and I'm glad that we all got it completed in time.

I am considering running another one of these in a few months time, but instead of buying blind boxes, I'm going to buy an STL for a miniature and print/cure them myself before sending them out to participants.

I'll send out invitations to various people I know to see if they want to take part this time too, leave a comment if you wish to be considered.

Until next time, have nice day...

* Which you'll see if he ever starts his blog up again, he keeps threatening to and saying he has stuff planned, but never actually pulls the trigger!

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