Thursday 30 June 2022

Hobby Spending - June 2022.


The sixth installment of my ongoing scheme to keep track of just how much money I spend per month on the hobby is here.

June has been somewhat of a missing month for me. I spent the first two and a half weeks working constantly with just a single day off in the middle of it all. I had a repair bill for my car which are into my available funds, and then to top it off the last week and a half I've been laid up with tonsillitis, which knocks the stuffing out of you so you can barely even drink, let alone do cool stuff like paint and hobby.

Le sigh...

Anyway, I did make a couple of purchases, one when I was well enough to get to our GW for Horus Heresy release day. True I only bought a pot of paint as I knew I had the repair bill hanging over me, but it's a little something for the store at least.

The second was a set of 3D Printed Rat Ogres from Paragon Star .

These I was sent a private offer for on eBay from the seller as they were something I'd had my eye on for a while. Whilst I've never posted anything Skaven related to the blog, I do have a box of Clanrats and Thanquol sitting in their boxes in the pile of potential, so picking these up (as GW don't make their Rat Ogres anymore) seemed like a steal for the future tbh.

So into the number crunching:
As a reminder my budget is nominally £50.
Last month I was £47.55 over budget.

May spend totals:
Pot of Retributor Armour paint - £2.75
3D Printed Rat Ogres - £6.50.

Total for May - £9.25
Budget for May - £50.
Over/Under Budget - Under by £40.75.
Over/Under Yearly Budget - Over by £7.80.

Quite a good month for the old hobby bank balance after all. If things stay like this then next month, I may be like AC/DC:

But we know something shiny might come along...

Until next time, have nice day...

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