Tuesday 1 March 2022

Old Stuff Day 2022.


So one idea I have looted from Confessions of a 40k Addict is about doing "Old Stuff Day" this year.

Basically, as he puts out in his post, you link to one or two of your old posts from your blog which you are most proud of but which may have fallen into the dark crevices of the blogsphere over time. You give them a dust off and remind people what content you had written in the past.

I'm going to link to both Chris' and Dave's blogs as well as they have some great old content lying around.

So without further delay...

To start with,from the Blog which gave me this idea comes a post listing free download terrain templates - https://www.40kaddict.uk/2011/02/terrain-is-everything-standard-template.html?m=1 
Because EVERYONE I know needs more terrain!

Next up from Redtoof is an article nominally about tournament prep, not army list building or such, but the gear you may want to pack and remember - https://redtoof.blogspot.com/2018/11/redtoofs-guide-to-tournament-preparation.html?m=0
I find this article useful not necessarily for tournament attendance, as I am definitely NOT a competitive player, but it falls under general advice for a day out gaming, if I go somewhere such as Warhammer World or Element Games for example. Nothing is worse then turning up for a day of gaming to find out someone has forgotten a rulebook for example.

I'm still plugging away at my budget Warmahordes projects when I can pick them up cheaply from eBay.
Luckgod has a blog mostly dedicated to Privateer Press' steampunk games now, they have posted about 40k and such in the past if you go through the blog roll.
The post I am linking to is a Trench Tutorial I found interesting and would consider building at some point in the future - http://luckgod84.blogspot.com/2016/11/making-terrain-on-budget-trenches.html?m=0
It's not often that you see terrain on Warmahordes tables, so this would be a nice project, it would also be transferable to 40k or Bolt Action if built suitably generic.

Dave's blog now and I've chosen a couple of posts, the first is a game he had with his daughter with simple rules to get the basics down - http://acardboardfortress.blogspot.com/2016/04/gaming-in-our-pyjamas.html?m=0
This post is great because it reminds me of the One Time, I have managed to get my son to play a wargame with me, like Dave though, I don't think the bug bit the youngster.

The second post from Dave is his last post about his 40k Imperial Guard army - http://acardboardfortress.blogspot.com/2015/09/imperial-guard-command-squad.html?m=0
I'm linking this as I really liked the colour scheme he chose for his army, and when we were at Warhammer World, many Many MANY years ago now, it looked awesome all laid out for battle. The other reason I link this is as a sort of preview, we are "hopefully" going to organise a casual gaming day and have ourselves a 5th edition game of my Orks Vs his Guard. We're going to use 5th edition because that's the last edition of 40k he played and has the books for, and I'm not about to insist that my friend go out and build nearly £100 worth of books for a game he hardly plays anymore!

Chris' posts now, and the first one is that kind of "right of passage" project every tabletop gamer should have a go at making, a Dice Tray - http://wastelandminiatures.blogspot.com/2014/02/quick-project-dice-rolling-tray.html?m=0
I've made two of these in the past and given one to my Son for when he's playing with dice in his bedroom, the Mrs bought me a special embossed leather tray for Test of Honour for my birthday a few years ago so my homemade one has been relegated to the back of the cupboard for now.

The second post I have chosen from Chris'blog are some of my favourite painted miniatures he has posted - http://wastelandminiatures.blogspot.com/2015/10/mythos-deep-ones.html?m=0
We both have a deep love of Lovecraft and have had conversations about the cosmic horrors, he even shared with me a series of radio plays based upon various Lovecraft stories. 
I love the painted look of these Deep Ones and may bite the bullet and grab some this year...

Finally, for my own post, yes I've only chosen one of mine, I've reposted the campaign I wrote a few years back - https://sachiel-returns.blogspot.com/2017/10/my-friend-chris-plays-various.html?m=0
I am still really pleased with this post, how it flowed when I was writing it.
The second thing I like is how I chose to add the flavour text which changes depending of which side won, I think I'd been reading the Silver Tower game booklet or one of my Fighting Fantasy books and went that route, it added that extra level I thought, and isn't really something you see in many wargaming campaigns.
One thing though, I haven't actually played through this...yet...perhaps I may if I can get some small forces together?

I also want to highlight how at the start of my blog I wrote more like this, rather then the fluff and painted things posts I seem to have been churning out. Maybe I should write a few more campaign types like this?

Well that's it for "Old Stuff Day 2022" I hope you've enjoyed this look back in time on the blogsphere, regular updates should hopefully resume shortly as I have a few days off work coming up and should be able to get some hobby done and posted.

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. A great selection of posts! I’ve made many a dice tray over the years! My old stuff post will be slightly delayed on account of being on holiday!
