Tuesday 23 November 2021

Armies on Parade 2021.


Sporadic gunfire echoed throughout the Mechanicus facility as the last defenders were put down. The Night Lords had been methodical and ruthless as were their methods of war.

The warband had struck two hours ago. A teleport strike by heavily a armoured Terminator squad had caused chaos, especially when they destroyed the genetorum powering the void shields protecting the southern approaches.
Hordes of cultists had been waiting and charged into the teeth of the Mechanicus defence's weapons, dying in droves just as a distraction.

Now in the shadows, the cultist leader bowed deeply as the warlord who orchestrated this massacre approached.

"Lord, praise the night. We have taken the facility as you demanded, but I fear we cannot hold it for our losses were severe"

Lord Farquhar turned, the wings sculpted onto his helmet swishing as he did so.
"Yes, your sacrifice was one I was willing to make".

"What did we give our lives for? The leader asked, outraged.

Outrage turned to shock as the fingers of a lightning claw exploded from his back in a shower of blood.

"You don't need to know, but since you asked" Farquhar said with a wet growl, "This facility is home to gene sequencers, specialising in growth hormones and therapies".

As the light dimmed in the cultist's eyes he understood, "We died, so you could be taller?"

Several Night Lords Astartes had arrived, simply melting out of the shadows in spite of the lightning arcing over their armour and the bright red wings flowing from their helmets.

Farquhar gestured with one of the claws, the now dead cultist hanging limply from his wrist.
"You are now the leader of my cultists, attend to your duties".

"All hail Lord Farquhar, For he is tall and mighty" the petrified cultists chanted and dropped to their knees.

Around them the snickering laughter of the Night Lords echoed in the darkness...


Games Workshop's yearly army painting competition has been and gone this past weekend.

Duncan took part and asked me to write the fluff piece above, requesting certain things like the name of the Lord and the line about being "Tall and Mighty" due to the old metal Night Lords Lord model being small in comparison to everyone else with modern scale creep.
I took pains to watch several Farquhar scenes from Shrek on YouTube to set up for the fluff.

From what Duncan tells me of people reading and smirking, I think I captured the essence of the character, what do you think?

The full display board set up (with added photography cloth courtesy of the Mrs). 

Lord Farquhar and his trusted Executioner:

Necromunda Delaque models were used as the Cultist's, I do like the green robes Duncan painted up for them.

The Chaos Knight. Now Duncan has a certain thing about Knights in 40k (he has 5 Mechanicus, 12 Imperial, 6 Chaos and around 16 Imperial and Chaos Armigers!!!).
So it was obvious that one was to be included on the board.
This one he painted based upon my favourite scheme from the codex with the big chaos star painted over the lightly coloured Knight.
Points for the Ed 209 reference on the tilting shield.

He even went as far to print out the fluff I wrote and added it to a popup frame for the board.

Finally his award, coming third at GW Doncaster and gaining a Bronze certificate.

Next year I may remember to enter, but we'll see. I have enough on my hobby desk at the moment with "Project Eye of Terror" gaining momentum, we've been talking about fielding all our various Primaris armies together to face the GW Doncaster manager's Tyranid horde (he has something like 25,000 points painted!), And Warlord Games have started to pre-order for their Epic Scale Waterloo armies...

Until next time...

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