Friday 6 August 2021

Cryxian Helljacks.

Blackstrike ducked as a hail of bullets scuttered in from the shore. The raiding party had landed upon the beach but we're now pinned down behind what hasty cover they could find.

The Cygnar defence was proving too formidable for her light force, already she saw that two of her Satyxis sisters lay dead.

Mayam the Sly, cursed witch muttered an incantation under her breathe. Sickly green runes appeared and circled her hand briefly, before launching away towards the enemy.

A flash of green mist heralded the choking cries of a few Trenchers as they were caught in the sorcerous mist, but it wouldn't be enough. There were still too many soldiers to mount an organised defence and Blackstrike cursed viciously in all the dark languages she knew. 

Screams erupted from the right. The stench of melting, steaming flesh accompanying, told her that the forces Bonejacks had finally come ashore. The Defiler spewing gouts of acid into the packed trench, lending the Bonerippers a chance to launch themselves into the fray.

A muffled growl drew her attention back to the sheeted form on the landing boats.

"Quartermaster, ye be releasing the payload" she shouted.

The Quartermaster grunted and nodded in acknowledgement and hauled the tarpaulin back revealing the straining black iron form of the Slayer. Deft, dead fingers drew a cutlass and slashed the magical blade across the alchemically treated chains holding the raging Helljack down.

The Slayer surged forwards, slicing a few unfortunate pirates in half with its claws as it hurled itself towards the enemy. The pirates it had eviscerated pulled themselves back together as the dark magic animating them reknit flesh and bone under the Quartermasters steely one-eyed gaze.

In seconds the Slayer had waded through the torrent of fire from the Cygnaran's and entered melee. Body parts were thrown as children's toys might be, and the volume of firepower slackened enough for Blackstrike to raise her head.

The carnage was impressive and she idly wondered what a heavier chassis Helljack was capable of. She regained her composure and shouted to her Satyxis.

"Into the breech girls, follow the Slayer, Kill any ye find still breathin'".


Later on as they took stock of the plunder from the raid Blackstrike was visited by a ghostly floating highwayman. The Pistolwraith, bowed it's macabre head in her presence.

"Ye be bein' busy mistress" it said, it's voice a mere whisper but seemed to be loud enough to hear.

"Aye, Ashor" she replied, using the wraith's true-name and it slumped further, "did ye find what Mistress Ravenmane seeks? Can I get her to the prize before one of the other bitch captains?"

Eyes glowing with balefire, Ashor lifted his skull head to look directly at Blackstrike.

"Yes, mistress!"


As before, when I finished the Satyxis off, I was intending to get these 'Jacks finished during June. But then July passed in a blur as I think I only had three or four days off from work for the entire month!

I finally got these models finished earlier this week, following the same colours and washes in the order I applied them to the Satyxis.
Just with less Gold for these to make them more sinister, as the Warjacks here have some large panels which if painted gold could upset the dark, brooding look of the force.

A Slayer, the big guy at the back.
Two Bonerippers, the smaller guys with the tusks.
And a Defiler, closest the to camera.

I'm happy with the consistent look to these models and am hopeful that it is easily replicated in the future as I hope to find some more of these.

With these complete I decided to photograph the entire force, including the Pistolwraith whom I painted several months ago but never got round to posting on here:

I even included Gorman Di Wolfe at the back simply because he was painted as part of this batch, but isn't attached to the force permanently.

Hobby bingo time, and this ticks off one of the Vehicle/Monster boxes I need to fill out giving me ten points.
More importantly, it fills out THREE lines giving me another One-Hundred and Fifty points ontop for a net gain this time of One-Hundred and Sixty points.
Pushing me ever closer to closing the gap with Chris and completing the first grid:

Up next for Warmachine will be some more Mercenaries in the force of the Devil Dogs, and possibly a start to me Trollkin force.

Until next time...


  1. Awesome stuff! I love the story at the beginning too

    1. Thanks.
      One of my other hobbies is writing, so I enjoy adding the short stories on here for the models I have completed. Kind of finishes the posts in my mind and cements them in as "my dudes".
      Warmachine writing is somewhat more fun then the grim 40k. WM can be serious but I always find that there is a lighter sense to it with pirates and ghosts and Soviets and robots and...well you get the idea.

  2. Great fiction here! Really love these guys :)
