Sunday 23 May 2021

Honoured Imperium.

The patrol moved with careful sweeps of their lasguns through the cloying clouds of dust thrown up amongst the ruins of Stalinvast. 
Their uniforms, once a pristine royal purple were now cakes in the fine remnants of the once proud city as it hung in the air, lapping around the remaining ruins and dropping visibility drastically.

The proud bastions of the city have suffered under punishing bombardments from both the enemy and now the Imperium as they took back section after section of the now ruined city.

"Sergeant, according to our maps, we should be approaching the Arch of the Aquilla and the Cathedral, but our scouts can't make them out" Lance-Corporal Dillard reported.

Sergeant Leyland Ballard looked round as Dillard made his report.
"We should be" he began, but was interrupted by one of the scouts shouting from up ahead.

The platoon ran forwards, Ballard motioning the men into cover as they investigated the scouts location.

"Sergeant, I've found...well, I've found the Arch of the Aquilla" the scout reported as Ballard and Dillard both came up onto the pile of detritus.

"You're standing on it" the scout replied to their quizzical looks.

Beneath their feet were the marble blocks of the great Imperial Eagle which should have been soaring above their heads on the triumphant victory arch. For three thousand years it had stood watch over the entrance to the Cathedral here.

Ballard traced the outline of the wings buried as they were beneath the flat grey rubble of the city. The platoon moved forwards towards them and stared in silent shock at the desecrated heads of the symbol. Someone had clearly taken a sledgehammer to the monument after it had fallen, bashing in the head and beaks of the eagle.

Tears formed in men's eyes and despair settled upon the platoon.

"Men of Ventrillia, why do you halt? Why do I see despair on the faces of these fighting men of the Imperium?" A strong sonorous voice rang out.

Commissar Loiselle strode forwards out of the dust. His stormcoat flowing, hat and boots still gleaming, powerfist glowing with electrical charge. Apart from the scaring on his left cheek, he was every part the picture of a recruitment poster, even here amongst the devastation.

Sergeant Ballard looked round as the Commissar approached.

"Although Holy Terra is far away from here, the Emperor's Hand is upon your shoulders. He has given us this task to reclaim this planet. Whilst it may be cast down at this hour, you stand upon the symbol of the Him on Earth, know that you men are the true might of the Imperium and to each of us in the guard the Emperor gives a task" 

The men were enraptured by the Commissars' speech, he had their full attention and was casting the doubts from them.

"All that the Emperor needs is for you to do your duty with fire in your hearts and prayers on your lips. Remain faithful and he will watch over you, the Emperor is always with us. Now Sergeant, get this platoon moving".

Sergeant Ballard hesitated, his faith had been shaken by the desecration he was standing upon. He scuffed his boot and looked up, a hollow, unfocused look in his eyes.

"Commissar, perhaps we should go back.." he began to suggest before the back of his head exploded outwards.

His body tumbled, thrown like a ragdoll by the explosive force, his chainsword tumbling towards the Commissars' feet.
The Commissar who held a now smoking Bolt Pistol.

"Weep for him, for his faith was not sufficient. Rejoice for my faith is bottomless! Corporal Dillard, pick up your chainsword and move forwards, for the Emperor!" Commissar Loiselle ordered, not even casting a glance at the twisted body of the former sergeant.

Lance-Corporal Dillard dutifully picked up the chainsword and began to order the advance again...


Well, another project finished and a other terrain piece completed.

This is the fallen stone Aquilla from the Honoured Imperium terrain set (I'm not sure GW still produce it, a shame if they don't).

It came with a Space Marine statue and a small piece of rubble, neither of which I have but this piece I wanted to fit with the city ruins I am glacially building (I know, I know).

So a base of 3mm MDF, edges bevelled as usual and then glued down.
Geek Gaming modelling compound for the contours, and my usual rubble of bits of broken plaster (which I cast up in sheets and then break), clean cat litter and sharp sand.

Painting it was the usual fare of Wilko emulsion tester pots and drybrushing. The only difference was the Aquilla itself which was painted in a bone colour and washed with Sepia before being drybrushed for the dust on it to blend into the piece.

Hobby Bingo this closes another box...AND another line adding 60 points.

This gives me a grand total of 300 points now, I'm running slightly behind my target if I'm honest, but real life has a tendency to get in the way of hobby.

Until next time.

 - Lewis.

1 comment:

  1. Damn that looks so good Lewis!

    I've just finished a couple of posts (one of them is due tomorrow) but you're currently roundly thrashing me with your score! Nice one! Gives me a push to finish more!
