Wednesday 19 May 2021

Deathwatch Killteam Von Drak.

The space marines of Killteam Von Drak stood in place inside the compartment of their Corvus Black Star as it rushed towards their mission.

They stood as still as they could within the rolling and yawing motions of the flyer as it banked around to come on course to their destination. Advanced stealth systems ensuring that the enemy, crude as they were, should not detect them on their approach.

Sergeant Leo Von Drak, of the Knights of Caliban chapter ran through the mission objective again on his wrist mounted interlink. 
It listed the topography of the mountains in this area, the stark white peaks befouled by a dirty stain where the green skins had set up camp.
How the barbaric aliens had managed to harness the geothermal energy of this region to power their war factories the Astartes warrior would never know.

'Perhaps techmarine Mateus would know' he thought to himself.

"10 seconds to drop" came the monotone announcement as the side doors slid open automatically.

The space marines readied their bolters and mag-locked them to their chestplates as they took the positions.

The Blackstar seemed to lurch nose down for a second as the pilot applied the full airbrakes and slammed the vehicle into hover mode.

"Deploy" rang out the vox as the first two marines stepped off the craft.

Von Drak was the first out, followed by Brother Chisori of the Sons of the Khan on the opposite side. One by one the members of the squad followed, Ancatus of the Sable Swords, Bartholomew of the Genesis Chapter, Corvion of the Raven's Watch, Saal of the Dark Crusaders and Kassar of the Deathstrike. 
Each warrior chosen for their skills by Von Drak, he trusted them to accomplish their mission, even if he didn't trust them fully due to different chapter philosophies and rituals.

The grav-vanes attached to their power packs kicked into life after a dizzying moment of free fall and began to arrest the Astartes headlong descent.
Above them the Blackstar flared it's engines and moved off, a darker shape against a dark night sky, only visible if you knew where to look. It would remain on station or gunship support and extraction.

Von Drak checked around him, each marine now had his boltgun or pistol in hand and had primed it ready for fight when they hit the floor.
Only Saal differed in that he was wielding his paired combat knives, the brutal close combat Reiver had received more then one reprimand within the Deathwatch since his arrival for unnecessary brutality.

As the icy wind howled, Von Drak readied himself. They were dropping fast so he aimed himself for an Ork sentry on the outskirt of the encampment. 
He hit the unfortunate creature full force and drove his boots down into the ground as he landed, crushing the alien beneath him, firing two silenced shots into its throat, he was already moving as the others landed.

"Chisori, Kassar, the east approach. Corvion, Bartholomew with me to the west. Ancatus, Saal, through the center, cause as much distraction as you can, but remain within three hundred meters of the northern extraction route" he clipped tersely into his vox.

A quick acknowledgement from each other warrior and they broke away like shadows.

"Now the work begins brothers" he turned to Corvion and Bartholomew, "In the Emperor's name".


Hello, I finally to do another blog post, and more importantly get some more miniatures finished.

This time a Spectrus Killteam for my growing Deathwatch force. The Spectrum Killteam are from the Deathwatch codex upgrade and include all the more stealthy aspects of the Primaris marines. Anyone wearing Phobos armour basically, so Infiltrators, Reivers, Eliminators, etc.

This particular team of seven members is made up of models which I had available, I'm not sure how well they will perform on the battlefield, but that's never been a major issue for me.

So we have five Infiltrators who make up the main bulk of the unit and attached to them are two Reivers for some punch when needed.

Again, I've freehanded the shoulder pads for the chapter iconography, wanting more second founding and onwards chapters then the major first founding set, or the more notable successors which GW have produced over time.

So this time we have:
Saal of the Dark Crusaders.
Kassar of the Deathstrike.
Corvion of the Raven's Watch.
Chisori of the Sons of the Khan.
Ancatus of the Sable Swords.
Leo Von Drak of the Knights of Caliban.
Bartholomew of the Genesis Chapter.

Duncan, owner of the Chaos Reaver Titan I posted a while back chose the Germanic noble name for the sergeant as he is building a Primaris force of Knights of Caliban, so I thought it would be a good thing to include his chapter in the mix.

If anyone has any suggestions for chapters to include as I have several other units in the queue, I'd take reasonable suggestions, my freehand is good, but not Howling Griffons good, if you know what I mean.

Lastly, in an update for Hobby Bingo, I've filled in the centre "Any Model" square using this unit as it gives me more options about which way to go filling the rest of the grid in:

This brings me to 240 points in total.

With lockdown really easing in the UK and the chance to begin meeting up with people for games again, I'm kicking the Deathwatch into gear to get them finished for some games soon. Especially as Fraser, owner of the Ad-Mech army I've been painting, has just bought a force of Eldar Harlequins!

Until next time...

 - Lewis.

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