Wednesday 10 July 2019

40k - The Road to the Apocalypse, Part 3.

Well a few days have passed since I started to get the Mek bug again...
Progress has been slow but steady, my favoured painting tactic of a little and often is paying off.

I already had a unit of Slugga Boyz finished (I'll have to update their bases, but they are essentially done), so chose to start with the Burna Boyz, get the number out of the way before getting to the characters for the detachment.

Six members of the mob are finished:

As is their Trukk:

A part wreck when I dug this out of a job lot I bought years ago, it was missing a set of wheels, and the entire engine block, along with the gunner.
The engine is now part of a T'au Ion Cannon which has been cut up, and an intake from a Stormboy Jetpack.
Nothing I could do about the missing wheels, but the gunner is a fudge using some plasticard and a Big Shoota gunner body from the Boyz sprue.
I was missing a set of legs for him, so. The plasticard is wrapped around like an extra armoured skirt in the turret ring.
His combi Big Shoota/Skorcha is again a converted piece.

Just so that there is no confusion about who this Trukk belongs to:

The rear deck is strewn with Jerry cans, an oil drum and a crate. Fuel and cigars for all the Burna Boyz!

I also took the time to drybrush these Bikers and bring them up to the news base standard for the army (grass Tufts are on order):

Not part of the initial detachment, but a second Kult of Speed detachment would be nice, bikes and the lovely new buggies from last year's Orktober!


Until next time...

 - Lewis

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