Monday 25 February 2019

Fantasy - Zaedrera, Gorgon Demon.

Sealed away for countless centuries, the Gorgon Demon known as Zaedrera was released from her stasis by miners delving too deeply for riches.

Once a name which could petrify a person just by mention of it, her reputation has dimmed with the passing of time, with many now believe her to be naught but a myth, like the gods themselves...

Unfortunately for the peoples of the realms, Zaedrera is no myth, she is very real.
A lithe, athletic killer whom can move far faster then her serpentine bulk would appear...

If one of the many blades she wields in her six hands don't kill you, then her petrifying gaze may slow you down enough to make the job easier...


Another Reaper Bones miniature completed. This time a "Snake Demon".

As usual with reaper bones minis, the weapons she came with were bent and misshapen. A few moments rooting in the bits box yielded a score of Dark Eldar Wych daggers and a blade on a chain.

In went the clippers to remove the original models hands and replace them with the GW equivalents. Much hardier and more likely to survive the rigours of gaming.

Until next time...

- Lewis

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