Friday 15 March 2019

40k - Adeptus Mechanicus Dunecrawler

Hard rounds whipped down the street kicking up small motes of dust where they impacted upon the hardpan or the ruined walls nearby.

Skitarii Alpha Tyx-60 ducked back into the cover of a ruined stanchion and assessed the noospheric map he was linked into.

They had pushed into the factorum earlier that morning and now were in danger of being pinned down by a massive archenemy counter attack.

Activating his inbuilt communicator, he reached out to his fellow Alpha's to better grasp his units situation.

+++ Alpha Tyx-60, pinned, co-ordinates A65/14. noosphere link weak.
Enquiry: Support available? +++

+++ Alpha Lau-12, Rangers covering from co-ordinates B71/7-1, Dunecrawler support inbound from co-ordinates A65/13, Estimated lapse 17.03 seconds +++

All of this was transmitted in a binaric burst in less then a second real time.

One of his Vanguard Skitarii look a round in the chest and was pitched backwards from where he had been firing.

+++ Alpha Tyx-60, Rumination: Are we overrun? +++

The ruined walls of the factorum exploded outwards, dust clouds billowing towards them ruining normal vision.

His audio sensors automatically muted as the deafening retort of an Icarus Autocannon began its murderous work.

Within seconds the Archenemy foot troops were in disarray, scattering before the whirlwind destruction of autocannon rounds and missile fire.

+++ Alpha 09-Tyba 44, Dunecrawler support on station +++

+++ Alpha Tyx-60, praise the Omnissiah, Vangaurd advance +++


Well, another round of hobby updates to come in the next few days, this is the first though.

Previously I have mentioned painting up an Adpetus Mechanicus force for my friend whose vision precludes him from painting regularly.

This is one of the last pieces I have had to do, and it's been sitting in my storage for over a year (do I sense a box on the Hobby Bingo sheet being filled?).

The colour scheme, obvious, was to match the Skitarii I have previously painted, with White being the main colour and the Red stripe as the army identification marking.

The base was kept very simple to match the Knight and the rest of the army.

Another piece completed, I am hoping to get going on some more personal projects and get some games in the near future, especially as I have been looking into a solo mod for the 40k, but more of that in a future post.

Hobby Bingo:

Yep, another box filled, this time the model which has been on your paint station for over a year, I could have gone for the "paint a vehicle" box, but I have other vehicles to get to in the future, always better to keep options open.

Until next time...

 - Lewis

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