Wednesday 13 February 2019

Fantasy - Irvyrreth, The Voiceless One, Juvenile White Dragon.

Dragon's are creatures of Myth and Magic, however they are not without distinct personalities depending on their particular species.

Red Dragons are quick to anger and fight, Silver Dragons are very focused upon justice and law, for example.
These types of dragon are very intelligent, very magical and have plans in motion sometimes for centuries.

The White Dragons on the other hand, are very animalistic and focus upon hunting and protecting their own territory.

Normally raised in a clutch with siblings until they are around a year old, they still develop an intellect of around human level, but with a malign self-centeredness. Some are magical and learn the ways of the frost mage, learning polymorph to transform into a different form and walk freely amongst the "lesser beings".

Not so with Irvyrreth, The Voiceless One, raised in a clutch of five, he was left for dead after a human hunting party found their lair.
With his mother and siblings dead, and a great gash across his neck, he survived despite the odds stacked against him.

Though only juvenile, he has garnered a reputation amongst the tribes and cities on the northern mountains as a merciless killer of humans, often letting other races go free as long as they don't turn back to him.

Unable to articulate words due to his wounding as a youngling, his arrival is often heralded by the beating of wings proceeding a great sheet of icy fog descending from above.

With visibility limited due to his breath attacks, he is then able to pick apart his quarry at his leisure, often still rending and tearing bodies long after they have frozen solid.


So, here we have a Dragon (obviously). One of my friends Reaper Bones miniatures, and I was under order to "just paint it however", when I had asked what type of dragon he would have liked.

I chose the White dragon because you don't see them very much, compared to the classic red Dragons.

And also my Mrs and Son both picked that one when I showed them all the different types of dragon in the D&D monster manual.

After a long stint of more work then hobby time recently, it was good to get something finished and off the desk, it also ticks off the first box of my "Hobby Bingo" I mentioned in my last post:

The Monster entry.

I could have gone for the technical entry, as I have improved my drybrush technique, but I don't have that many other monsters to do...yet.

Well, until next time...

 - Lewis

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