Wednesday 17 July 2024

The Solar Watch - part 3.


Even in his exhaustion from the difficult route, Blade-Champion Pyodoris Hastaurian Desh was stealthily ghosting between the aged stones of the old Monetary, twisted trees clawed at the sky like broken fingers, splitting stone with their root systems. He unslung his Sword as he neared his goal, hearing a soft chanting coming from the ruins up ahead.

He glanced around between the foundations, Cultists wearing lurid emerald green robes swayed in time with the chanting as they stood in concentric circles. However it was the undulating sliver of unholy silver light that blazed in the center of the crowd and the figure which stood before it which drew his attention. The heretic-Astartes Sorcerer Asharr Herath.

Desh searched around and found a suitable gap in the crowd and began creeping towards it. He kept an eye trained on the Sorcerer, standing head and shoulders above the mortals around him. Great baroque spiked armour was crowned with a helmet which sported a pair of horns and four eye slots, all manner of Eldritch symbols glowed a sickly pink colour against his black power armour.

"You can come out, we know you're here oh Hidden One!" The sybilant voice purred as the Sorcerer turned his head and looked directly at Desh hidden behind a crumbling pillar.

Pyodoris Hastaurian Desh gripped his Sword tight and threw the beacon he was holding out into the gap, he then launched himself into the crowd, smashing cultists aside with his bulk and great sweeps of his sword as he ran. Behind his advance a brilliant golden light erupted, mist and steam flowed from the center and stones were torn from their placement as a thunderclap of displaced air reverberated around the ritual area.

Before where there was nothing, now stood three armoured giants. Off-white armour with gold filigree glinting in the candle light, the Allarus Terminators all took a thundering step forwards as one from their teleportation landing and began lashing out with their spears, inbuilt Boltguns blasting at Cultists and the wrist mounted grenade launchers spitting explosive death through the air.

They all knew they would only get one chance at preventing the daemonic summoning, they advanced through the throng, killing as they fought their way to the Sorcerer to stop this madness...


The next unit finished for the Adeptus Custodes army is this unit (and a half) of Allarus Terminators. It's a unit and a half because my friend is going to use these in units of two models for more board coverage overall.

These models follow the established colour palette of off-white, gold and various reds with the blue gems.

I have gone through the army and replaced some helmeted heads with bare heads for some variation throughout, these two are the first ones I have done for this force.

The full selection of painted models so far is pictured below, they are starting to look great all together:

I have started work on another unit of Custodian Guard and a couple of other characters from the force.
The biggest section of work to come will definitely be the Venatari jump packs, I'm thinking i may have to invest in soke super glue accelerant in order to assemble those.

To do:
  • Shield-Captain 
  • Sword-Champion
  • Vexilla 
  • 9 Custodian Guard
  • 3 Allarus Terminators 
  • 6 Venatari
  • Sword-Champion 
  • 5 Custodian Guard 
  • 3 Allarus Terminators 
Onwards with the project.

Until next time, have nice day...

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