Wednesday 31 July 2024

Hobby Spending - July 2024.


With the rainy July now behind us and heading into August, hopefully summertime will arrive in Britain soon, it's time to catalogue what was spent on the hobby this month.

So halfway through the month I went over to Stockport to visit a friend and have another game of 10th edition 40k.

Whilst there we took a wobble down to Element Games and having resisted the released of Skaventide/AoS4, I was interested in the Spearhead game mode.

Games Workshop sell "starter collection" boxes for each faction, which have been renamed three of four times at this point and Spearhead is a mode of playing Age of Signal using just one of these boxes.

Having already picked up a couple of units of Fyreslayer Berzerkers when they were first released and not havibg done anything with them, I looked at their spearhead and then picked up the Warcry Vulkyn Flameseekers box for what i needed.

Now these modeks aren't the proper ones, but I can substitute in for the ones i need and i get more models for less money.

The other purchase was just a new set of brushes as I always grab a set to make sure I have several in stock, so they were picked up as well.

In total I purchased just these two items this month, the totals are as follows:

Vulkyn Flameseekers box - £31.45.
Army Painter Brush Set - £13.05.

Total for July: £44.50.
Budget for July: £50.
Over/Under Yearly Budget: under budget by £45.70.

Until next time, have nice day...

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