Thursday 30 March 2023

Hobby Spending - March 2022.


 Little bit of a more bumper month for Wargaming goodness compared to February.

Mirfield Miniatures had a good deal on the first Monday/Tuesday of the month and I snapped up:

The Masque of Slaanesh, new in her blister:

And a unit of Seekers of Slaanesh on sprues:

These will go to the 40k Chaos force I'm putting together, the flavour of Daemons of which my son chose after expressing interest in the game.
I simplified the four gods and explained them as:
Khorne - War/Offensive Power.
Nurgle - Plague/Defensive Power.
Tzeentch - Fate/Sorcery.
Slaanesh - Excess/Speed.
I'm working on the forces and hoping to play some games with him in the second half of the summer holidays after we've had our holiday, that way we won't be starting to play and then taking a break for a couple of weeks and having to get him into it again.
(Sadly he shows no interest in modelling/painting unless it's on Roblox or Minecraft...such is the modern world).

And this Dark Angels Master:

I have always liked this model, and with the upgraded head from the upgrade sprue it was a no-brainer to add it to the order from Mirfield.
He's going to become Corswain and have a retinue of a couple of units of Dark Angels for Heresy, and a unit of the psychic anti-daemon terminators (I forget what they're called) if I can figure out how I'd make them!

Most of the next purchases are bits and bobs in order to get another of my projects stocked up:

Mk.3 Torso's:

Mk.3 Boltguns:

These are both for some 30k World Eaters, as the Mk.3 armour suits their assault nature being thicker at the front and the Bolters are chunkier then the others, perfect for hitting people with.

Next are some Grenade Launchers (sadly no photo, as I got excited when they turned up and built the Destroyer unit) and 3D Printed Jump-packs:

These are for some Blood Angels to accompany Antor who I bought last month and who I intend to turn into a Heresy-era Centurion, the Grenade Launchers will be used for a small unit of Angels Tears Destroyers (sadly no Phosphex Party).

Sticking with the deals for second hand miniatures during a recent weekend away, I visited Mighty Lancer Games in Bridlington.
I walked out with these:

A damaged Huron Blackheart (an easy fix to replace his weapon), an Exalted Sorcerer for the Thousand Sons and four pre-owned Chaos Marines for £17...bargain.
Huron will be converted into a Chaos Lord for the Black Legion stuff, and the four marines will be used to fill out squads.
The Exalted Sorcerer was bought because I have had a used box of Rubric Marines since lockdown, but they were missing their sorcerous leader, so he's going to drop in there and they'll be an allied faction to the Legion.

So, here are the totals for the month:
The Masque of Slaanesh - £12.
Seekers of Slaanesh - £10.
Dark Angels Master - £3.
3D Printed Heresy Jump Packs - £8.
MK3 Armour - £3.
Mk.3 Boltguns - £3.
Grenade Launchers - £4.
Used Chaos Marines - £17.

Total for March: £60.
Budget for March: £50.
Over/Under Yearly Budget: under budget by £34.01.

So I went over budget this month, but I am still well under budget in the overall scheme of the year.

Until next time, have nice day...

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