Tuesday 31 January 2023

Hobby Spending - January 2023.


*This is no longer true unfortunately*

The beginning of 2023 has passed productively, unfortunately I've already bought some new gear and been considering other new projects...must resist.

So, Mirfield Miniatures got back into the swing of things about a week after the new year celebrations and I got stuck straight in and checked the posts which get put up on the Facebook page with the remnants of the stock from the Saturday selling sessions.

This month I took a punt on some more Lizardmen for my army, which is an upcoming project for the blog:

There are seven Saurus Knights and twelve* Saurus Spearsaurs**, on the very right of the photo is a Dark Eldar Succubus, again for a future project which I have been collecting for over a couple of years.

Next up, I needed a can of Matt Varnish to avoid the paint flaking off the metal Rapanse de Lyonesse model as I handled it during painting:

I'd had trouble with GW spray varnishes in the past, and the last two cans of Humbrol Varnish I bought had misted up or blocked the nozzle as a couple of uses, so I decided to try Army Painter this time, purchasing this can from the costume/hobby shop which has been open near where I live for a couple of years***.

Finally, acrylic art paints:

Some basic art paints in some generic colours for terrain work. I picked these up when out with the family at The Range for £2.70 each with the intention of finally getting the City finished****, and I'm not about to use expensive modelling paints to block in colours for terrain.

As per the previous years posts, here are the totals for the month:
Saurus Knights unit: £10.50.
Saurus Spearsaurs unit: £8.
Dark Eldar Succubus: £4.
Army Painter Matt Varnish Spray: £15.50.
4 tubes of Acrylic Art Paints: £10.80

Total for January: £48.80
Budget for January: £50.
Over/Under Budget: under budget by £1.20.

With the first month of the year down, I'm happy to still be under budget, in spite of the impulse purchases from Mirfield. We'll see how it pans out this year.

Until next time, have nice day...

*I originally commented on a post which had ten Spearsaurs listed, but received twelve in the parcel. Mark who owns Mirfield Miniatures does this sometimes if there are a couple left over in the box.

**Saurus Spearsaurs, I like this and think that this will be their new name from now on.

***I do keep meaning to check out the gaming days which they have started to advertise, one day soon maybe...

****Best laid plans and all that.


  1. It's always hard to escape a good bargain...

    I've used Army Painter's matt varnish for a few years now and I'm very happy with it. You do have to make sure to shake it really well and I also try and warm it up in the current weather before spraying - something like hand warm seems to give me the best results.

    1. Yeah, the Army Painter varnish was great and I used it as you suggested there. It's a bit pricier then the others near me, but worked a lot better, so I'll just use this one from now.
