Saturday 31 December 2022

Hobby Spending - December 2022.


Here we are at the end of the year.
Twelve months have passed since I decided to keep track of how much I spend on the hobby throughout the course of the year.

For this last entry, we'll begin with the purchases this month:

Not much going on other then a few pots of paint which I needed to keep stocks up to continue working on projects.

Celestra Grey, Macragge Blue, Ulthuan Grey and Abaddon Black.

Ulthuan Grey and Abaddon Black are colours which I use a lot of, they're up there with Leadbelcher and Earthshade for the most used colours in my collection I think.

Celestra Grey and Macragge Blue have been bought specifically for current projects, but will find use throughout other projects as ideas arise.

As usual here are the totals for the month:
Pot of Celestra Grey paint: £2.34.
Pot of Macragge Blue paint: £2.34.
Pot of Ulthuan Grey paint: £2.34.
Pot of Abaddon Black paint: £2.34.

Total for December: £9.36.
Budget for December: £50.
Over/Under Budget: £40.64

Total spent for 2022: £449.41
Total Yearly Budget: £600.
Over/Under Yearly Budget: under by £150.59.

Overall not a bad year I guess, I've come in well under my target for the year and mostly kept under my monthly budget. Being short staffed at work over the busy summer period certainly helped with that as I spent more time on the rails then I did at my hobby desk.

I've managed to resist temptation to spend on new projects and mainly bought hobby supplies throughout the year, in the vain hopes of actually getting stuff finished like.

I may treat myself in January to something, or the money may go in the savings for a big hobby purchase in the future, not sure yet.

One thing is for sure though, I will be carrying this venture on, as it's a good way of keeping track of spending, and I'm hoping to get Chris to follow suit after talking to him about it a few days back.

Until next time, have nice day...


  1. Those are pretty impressive numbers! I am very much a victim of all the shiny new things that catch my eye...

  2. Cheers, it's been an interesting exercise to keep track of for the year.
    I've been trying to keep to projects which I already have gear for rather then buy new ones in spite of how good the shinies have been recently.
