Sunday 26 September 2021

Deathwatch Killteam Marius.

"That's three now Trajod, three! And that last one was as big as a Razortusk I tell you" Bjan shouted as he wrenched his knife from the broken skull of the Ork at his feet.

"Good for you, Son of Russ, I'm already on five. Your berserker tendencies wound and maim but don't dispatch. Thunderfist, you should clear your head before fighting" Trajod replied stoically, he raised his power sword and wiped the filth from the blade with a cloth torn from a dead greenskin.

"Pah! And fight as soulless as you and your brethren Iron Knight? You should learn to enjoy the rush of combat, the murder-time, the spray of blood!"

Around the pair of Deathwatch Astartes, the ground slowly flooded with blood from the score of dismembered Orks recently slain.

Trajod was about to retort...

"Enough! Bjan, Trajod, move towards the next ridge, we will follow in covering formation. The next time I hear your two bickering, you will be on punishment detail until I deem you worthy of the Long Vigil" Veteran Sergeant Marius' voice was stern.

Bjan grinned at the silent helm of Trajod and set off sprinting with a spray of gravel as he turned. The Iron Knight set off in support of his squad mate.

"Sergeant, I do believe that you will have to follow up on that threat with those two" Brother Tiguras voxed to his Sergeant.

"You may be right"


Bjan whirled his knife and nearly tore an Orks arm off at the shoulder, he howled and struck again severing the limb with a welter of blood.
Trajod slammed back to back with the raging marine, whirling his sword in a figure of eight to create some space.

They had been mobbed by Orks as they crested the ridge and had fought constantly since. A trail of bodies littered the ground marking their passing.

"Eighteen now Thunderfist"

"Hah! Nineteen"

Another wave of Greenskins charged towards them and they readied themselves for another fight.

"Brothers, go to ground!" Sergeant Marius voxed.

Both marines dropped to the ground as Bolt shells ripped overhead. The front ranks of the charging Orks disintegrated as the shells blew them apart. 

Marius, Tiguras and Darnom, the other three members of the Killteam advanced methodically up the hill, disciplined fire erupting from their Bolt Rifles, each round finding a home in an alien body.
The fight seemed to go out of the Orks in that moment and the survivors turned and ran down the hill shouting.

"Well met brothers, I see that my stern words earlier had the desired effect" Marius addressed the two as they picked themselves up.

Trajod turned and slammed his sword through the neck of an Ork crawling towards Bjan, a blade the length of his arm clasped between its teeth.

"That's nineteen now Thunderfist. We're even" Trajod said triumphantly pointing at his brother.

"No, that one was already dead, that was just muscle spasms" Bjan growled.

"Cease your bickering. I swear, by the Primarch, that you two will be on full punishment detail when we're done on this rock and get back to the ship" Marius had lowered his voice injecting it with all the threat he could remember from his years as a Recruit-Sergeant for the Sons of Orar.
"Actually, no you'll start now, Tiguras, Darnom take point, Bjan and Trajod will be joining me for fire support, stow your blades and prime your rifles, prove to me that you two still have worth to this Killteam!"

I've been on a bit of a roll recently getting things painted, mainly because I have a bit of a deadline coming into October as I'm not sure how much hobby time I will have whilst retraining for a new career.

The latest squad finished has been this second unit of Intercessors for the Deathwatch chapter. They are their own five man unit, but can also double up with Deathwatch killteam Ermenrich to make a ten man unit if I find that they perform better that way.

The usual Black basecoat with Incubi Darkness and Thunderhawk Blue light drybrushes to give that sheen to the armour plating.

Again I freehand painted the chapter symbols from my "Second Founding and Later" list I culled from Lexicanum40k.

This time with have (left to right):
Templar Darnom of the Emperor's Shield.
Bjan Thunderfist of the Sons of the Russ.
Knight-Brother Trajod of the Iron Knights chapter.
Sergeant Marius of the Sons of Orar chapter.
Brother Tiguras of the Fulminators chapter.

Continuing on with the second grid, this unit fulfils one of the "Unit of 2+ models" boxes giving my a further ten points.
This increases my overall total to Seven Hundred points.

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely homage to LotR :) love the bickering! At the end of the day, despite the psycho-conditioning and indoctrination, they're still just daft bastard blokes! Love the Chapters you've chosen! Great selection :)
