Sunday 7 March 2021

Local Painting Challenge - the aftermath.

In a Previous post about a month ago, myself and two friends started a friendly painting competition to get stuff finished and off the hobby table.

We started on the 6th of February and the final date was the 6th of March.

Well that was yesterday, here the aftermath:

The Scoreboard:

Duncan: 111 points.
Grant: 106 points.
Lewis: 71 points.

Lots of stuff painted, but whilst the other two focused upon super-heavy and behemoth type stuff, most of which wasn't painted to begin with, I was trying to get stuff finished which was started and then not finished.
If I'd have had the time I'd have finished another 20 chainrasps, but it was not meant to be.

So congratulations are in order to Duncan, he's added to his swathe of Super-heavy models (seriously he has an entire shelving unit just for Imperial Knights).
Well done to Grant, carrying on with his gribbly Tyranids (I think he has something like 20,000 points or so).
I'm personally pleased with the amount I finished, which is the point of all this to be honest.

Onto the photos.

Duncan, group shot:

You can see the big stuff at the back surrounded by Adeptus Mechanicus models. The surprise was his final sprint pushing those Necrons through.


Grant's collection (he had packed things away before the group photo):

Again, lots of bigger models in there, the Stegadon was for the 420 minute painting challenge for our local GW store (Grant is the manager there). Again the surprise entries were on the last day when he painted the Barbed Hierodule and two Harpies complete before the finishing deadline.


Finally, my own group finished photo:

Lots more basic infantry models here then those two.  It it's been good to see progress and see stuff getting finished.
On the last day I pushed the three Dunecrawler Onager Tanks through to completion, making those the biggest models I've completed this year.

It's been enjoyable, even if it's been a struggle to fit quantity painting around my work and family life.

Will we do this again?
Probably, but not for a month or two as there is a house move for one of us on the horizon soon.

Maybe in the summer, but definitely again.

Until next time...

 - Lewis.

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