Tuesday 19 January 2021

Motivation off, Motivation on

So January 2021 continues onwards with the inevitable march of time, and it seems like I've got bugger all hobby done.

In reality I have, but nothing towards a finished result really making it seem like bugger all.

I've gotten one of the camo cloaks for the Eliminator unit finished:

There is just his base to finish and the first model of THREE is done. I do like the way the yellow isn't overpowering on this model, just as intended.

But between working on these and the Deathwatch who have stalled (that's a whole saga in itself), I think I've just gotten fed up of painting Power Armour in what little hobby painting time I can muster at the moment.

I'm averaging about half an hour most nights simply because of work hours, house and cat stuff and now home schooling using video chat lessons. Yes, my corner of the UK, deepest, darkest South Yorkshire has finally been dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st Century. 

Also, the fact that both Chris and Dave have both posted finished items and ticked boxes off their respective hobby bingo sheets, whilst I've not finished anything has kind of dimmed enthusiasm as well.

So, not feeling the current projects, I dove into the cupboard of miniatures and dragged out some Chaos Warriors I've had sitting basecoated for a while.

Progress being made has been reinvigorating, and hopefully I can see something getting finished soon:

As mentioned I got these forever ago, in a trade from Chris and they're subtly converted from the standard chaos warrior.
A few extra spikes and SKULLS, as well as that cool as hell banner, meant that I am painting these ten models up as a more veteran unit (eventually), and the other unit of ten models will be standard chaos warrriors, hopefully reinforced soon if my luck with eBay changes damn snipers).
I did briefly consider using these as Chaos Chosen, but the latest start collecting box has such nice models meant for Chaos Warriors, that I'm going to use those as Chosen instead.

I'm kind of annoyed with myself over the change of project all of a sudden, but this is a hobby meant to relax with, not a job to get stressed over.

Hopefully I can start posting finished gear soon, as well as an inspiration I found in the most unlikely of books for me to have been reading...

Until next time...

 - Lewis

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