Friday 8 January 2021

Book Review - Kharn, Eater of Worlds.


Recently I finished reading Kharn Eater of World's by Anthony Reynolds.
It's an enjoyable book if a little slow at the beginning with the man himself, Kharn, being kept in stasis after the defeat at the Emperor's Palace.

Obviously the story takes place after the Horus Heresy, and you get a real feeling for the desperation and sorry state of the World Eaters legion (or those who remain).

Whilst Kharn is THE World Eater which everyone knows, the story is told from the perspective of a couple of other legionaries and a couple of human auxiliaries to the legion.


Enjoyable parts include the female human having to perform surgery on herself and surviving. 

As well as a commando raid from another World Eaters warband, whose objective is to kill Kharn fully. An unfortunate oversight occurs when said lunatic wakes up to find four legionaries stood with weapons aimed at does not end well for the commando's, put it that way!

I got my copy from a used book group on Facebook, and whilst the story is enjoyable, I wouldn't have paid the full asking price.
It's only 199 pages long, and ends with the feeling that it's half of the story.

Literally the books just ends as Kharn begins the war with the Emperor's Children on Skalathrax. We know how that turns out, but I'd have still wanted to read about it!

One of the best parts of the "Warhammer Legends" series of novels is that you get some full colour art plates in the center, this one being no exception.
Including the first artwork of Kharn (check out the chain-bayonet on his pistol), by John Blanche.

And the more modern incarnation by David Ghallager.

I would recommend this novella (it's not a novel, I don't care what Black Library say), if you can find it cheap online somewhere.

I'm going to give thoughts about other Black Library novels I have in my collection as the year goes on. This is just the start of the series and something I can write about whilst on my breaks at work.

Until next time...

 - Lewis

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