Friday 9 October 2020

Urban Terrain, drybrushing is hell.


Greetings, this is the third part of the build of these first scatter terrain pieces (I swear I will get round to fnishing the Municipal Building and the Bar I started).

 Part One and Part Two are here for the building process.

This third part is after the last details were added, and the floorboards were blended into the "Bolt Hole" piece. I also added some final drybrushing in a further grey colour and some black on around the upper windowframe of the wall, to simulate where soot had built up as if the building had been on fire and that was the last standing part of it...until a shell drops and blows that bit to smithereens, but I digress.

Here is an overview of all four piece's together:

They really came together well, here's a photo of the two rubble piles, with some Imperial Fists for scale:

The smaller of the two comes roughly to the Primaris Marines waist and the larger obscures the miniature, except for the very top of their helmets and backpacks...or the back-banner in the case of the Sergeant.

The "Bolt Hole":

You can see the darker areas where I drybrushed to make the soot effect. I nicknamed this piece as the Bolt Hole because I originally had in mind gaming using Terminator:Genysis models (more on that in a later post) with this and based the idea a lot on the Future War look with the piles of rubble and randombits of wall left standing which the resistance are using for cover. Adding to this the oil drum (which could, rather dangerously, be used for a firepit) and the fact that I added boards over the window made it seem like an old hideout type place.

Finally, the telegraph pole which I need to finish the detailing for, but is functionally complete:

I took pains to add some black drybrushing towards the top half of the pole, as in real telepgraph poles (at least in the UK) there is often a tar which is applied to the poles, this helps stop the wood rotting, considering our famously wet weather here and was something I wanted to add.

I do have to modelling up the connection box and wiring to add to the piece, as well as finish the camper van for the flat area, but it is usable as it stands.

I'm going to focus on my Orktober project for the time being this month, and work up some more terrain once I've gotten the greenskins sorted I think.

Until next time....


  - Lewis

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