Monday 14 October 2019

Test of Honour - Sohei Warband update.


Tonight's update takes us back to Feudal Japan and Test of Honour.

It's been a while since I did any real progress with my Samurai game, real life commitments have impeded much hobby recently, but I'm trying to get back into the swing of it all and hopefully start posting more regularly, especially as the blog is coming up on it's second year anniversary...

Anyway, Sohei...

A while back I picked up the Sohei boxset from when Warlord Games were still producing stuff for ToH.

I've been slowly working on them as and when I felt the inspiration and here we are so far:

Hozoin In'El, the leader of the warband orders some troops through a bamboo grove, (I've done some terrain too, more on that in another post):

The Leader, along with a Companion*, Banner Bearer and a Yari armed monk:

Two more monks i finished this evening:
 A rear view showing some of the details on the quiver and the katana sheathed:

Finally, the entire warband so far:

I have another Yari armed monk and two archers to finish, and the warband will be complete, until i decide to make a sergeant or something for them.

These are painted a little more muted then my previous monks, and i may return to the other ones some day and repaint their robes to match, who knows.

Until next time...

 - Lewis

*A companion is a new term in second edition ToH. It is essentially the old Samurai who weren't leaders, therefore have slightly less stats and one less action then the main leader of the warband.
In second edition there are a lot of new companions and named warrior types.
I'll do a post about second edition soon as well....


  1. They look nice, Lewis. I painted my group (the Northstar set and ones from The Assault Group) of Sohei in the traditional saffron based shades of yellow and orange. I'm not even sure if the Japanese Monks wore those colours.

    1. Thanks for your comment Bowman.

      I followed a tutorial for. A duller more muted yellow/brown as most of my ToH gear is quite muted in colour.
      Only the Geisha. And Onna Bugeisha are quite bright so far.

      I'm not sure about the robe colours you entionm historically, but in all the artwork depicting Sohei there are always orange, yellow and black robes in abundance.
