Monday, 20 January 2025

New Year, New Challenges.


So we're already two weeks into 2025, and I haven't had chance to post properly yet as work has been kicking my head in so far this year*.

I had several plans going into the year, none of which I've actually been able to start yet, but they included the AHPC, a small Battle Sisters force (1.5k for fifth edition 40k), starting my Lizardmen army (1750 points) for The Old World, and making headway with my Krieg company for the upcoming campaign i signed up for.

So far, I've managed to paint one miniature this year...and he'll be posted soon.

So where do I go from here??

Well, I am a subscriber and regular listener to the Plastic Crack Podcast on YouTube, and follow all the hosts channel's:

These guys have created a fantastic community with the Facebook group being regularly posted in and much conversation going on over there.

Each month, some of the guys also organise the "OPC" or "Open Painting Competition", there are no prizes, but they often give a theme for the month and everyone's entries features on YouTube at the end of the month in the podcast.

Last year, the whole year was aimed at finished off an army, so each month was a different unit/type of unit to add to make the full army, and there were some good results from it.

This year, they have decided to gamify it a little and give a points cost for every model you finish, and at the start of the year you set your own points total that you want to aim for as the year progresses.

I pulled this from the pdf document they put out explaining the rules:
What I find interesting and thinking about it, it is right, is that a rider and it's mount are counted separately...I mean you are painting two miniatures after all...

For my own points total, I'm aiming for 6,000 points painted by the end of the year.

And yes this does include the projects I mentioned above and a couple more on top.
I know that Cardboard Fortress has said he's going to get 12,000 points done**, but he has a lot of epic stuff to do, etc.

So good luck, don't drink your paint water, and pray that your paints never dry out.

Until next time, have nice day...

*With staff dropping sick every couple of days, there are three of us who are left standing and having to fill in shifts shunting in the railyards when we can outside of our booked shifts.
Great for the bank balance, not so great for the hobby time.

**Cardboard Fortress was the person who introduced me to the Plastic Crack Podcast on the first place.

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