Impassive, unreadable due to the gas ask covering his face, Commissar Juan Boerkaunt watched the assault begin. He has heard stories of the Death Korps of course, they all had as they received their postings from segmentum command.
He had been slightly put out by being assigned to a siege regiment, rather then an assault regiment, where he felt his skills would be of more use, but he was slowly beginning to be impressed with these fanatical men of Krieg.
The son of a tank officer, born on the volcanic world of Tallax IV, Juan had been inducted into the scholam on his seventh birthday and was earmarked for Commissariat duties.
With this new campaign, his second as a full Commissar, he had been expecting a posting to a regiment which needed a firm hand and led by example in combat.
In truth, the Krieg were so well disciplined that he found himself rather bored, having to deal with the other regiments around them in their interactions with his men. Now with the prospect of some action his mood had lightened.
He observed the quick, smooth movements of the assault platoons moving forward, the autocannons, already sighted in began their statacco drumbeat rhythm of firing, chewing great chunks out of the side of the building, itself already a ruin.
The Captain, Sain-Stagier, appeared alongside him accompanied by his command squad.
He gave a satisfied nod and turned to Boerkaunt.
"A smooth assault don't you think Commissar?"
"Yes, I am impressed with the regiment and your company, Captain, I will pass that on in my reports up the chain of command".
Sain-Stagier and the Banner Bearer who had heard the conversation straightened with pride.
"Shall we observe a little closer Commissar, I've no doubt the men will fight harder knowing their Commanders are nearby".
"It is rare to find a senior officer who chooses to advance, lead on Captain, the Emperor protects".
So here is the first finished miniature of 2025.
This Death Korps of Krieg Commissar was a Christmas present I bought from a Chinacast supplier* for Fraser to join his 352nd Regiment.
The drawing the sword pose was certainly the most iconic of the Krieg Commissars, and in general of Commissars I think**, even my favourite of the Black Library Ibram Gaunt's models have been rather lackluster compared.
So I began as usual building up the urban ruined base, as is custom for this army. Lots of torn 4mm cork and plastic rodding/detonator wire to add detailing, before liberally covering with sand in the joins for crushed cement, etc.
I took the time to get a lean on the slab he is standing on correct, the original Forge World model is leaning slightly backwards, with his weight on the rear leg, as if he's going to cast forwards with a cleaving motion.
I wanted him to be stood taller and more imposing, so positioned him to be leaning forward, looming down off of the ruins.
Starting from my preferred grey undercoat I started with black Templar, Blood Angels Red, Iyanden Yellow and Basillcanum Grey contrasts.
The metals were picked out in Leadbelcher and Retributor Armour, and his mask was Vallejo Khaki.
Everything was then hit with an overall Earthshade*** wash and then I chose my layering colours.
The coat was Corvus Black and highlighted with Stormvermin Fur, where as his hat, because I wanted a different texture, was done with Abaddon Black and highlighted with Standard Grey.
His uniform was Standard Grey and highlighted with Vallejo Light Grey, Epaulettes were Averland Sunset, Done Yellow and then a shade with Seraphim Sepia.
The red cuffs and sash are Meohiston Red and Evil Suns Scarlet to really get that highlight.
Metals were just layered up with Leadbelcher and Retributor Armour respectively.
So there we have it, a Commissar for the regiment and another miniature finished off.
I'm hoping to get the time to highlight up Red Platoon for that regiment soon, but I must concentrate on my own 261st regiment and opposing Militia in order to get my games in for the Vraks campaign (more on this soon).
A sneak peak at what's coming:
Lots of Deathriders!As I'm taking part in the Plastic Crack Podcast OPC this year, he gets me off the mark with 10 points of my 6,000 point goal.
Until next time, have nice day...
**The only one I think is better is this guy, which I am fortunate to have in my collection:
Although I would like to get the other two Commissars from this time period as well.***Cardboard Fortress asked about what was our favourite wash on his Facebook page recently, and I replied Earthshade rather then the more common Nuln Oil.
I personally prefer the warmer shadows Earthshade gives, especially on living things, vehicles and constructs...well, it depends if it's oily or dusty really.
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